Chances at Wisco

<p>What are my chances of admittance to wisconsin?</p>

<p>I have a 3.4 unweighted gpa and a 3.7 weighted. My school only weights any honor or accelerated class by .3 even if you only take one, so its impossible to get higher than .3 no matter how many AP's one takes. I will have taken 10 AP's by end of graduation. I have a 25 on my ACT so far and I am re-taking this month hoping for a 27-28. I have above average extra curricular and essays. My recommendations are stellar.</p>

<p>Could you disclose more on the academic side? E.g. GPA trend, AP scores etc.</p>

<p>I am glad you are re-taking ACT as it is a clear red flag.</p>

<p>Based on the limited info here, my gut feeling is you are most likely get a "postpone" decision so the adcom can also weight in your Fall grades.</p>

<p>Remember UW only looks at UNweighted grades.</p>

<p>They may "only look at unweighted grades" but their number one acceptance criteria is courseload difficulty. Since weighted G.P.As are direct reflections of the number of High honors and AP courses taken, it goes unsaid that an unweighted 3.7 (4.3 weighted)
is way more desirable than a 3.7 unwweighted (unless Honors classes aren't offered by the school)</p>

<p>In my school you can take 4 years of basic level courses (opting out of any Honors, High Honors or AP classes) and get a 3.7 in your sleep. </p>

<p>If the school offers the courses, they want to see you take them, even if they don't technically "look at" the weighted GPA...the information it conveys is still very much valued by the adcoms.</p>