chances at ...?

<p>i'm not reaaally sure that i can write all these apps, but here is my pool of possibilities:
uva, brown, johns hopkins, harvard, mit, yale, stanford, rice, ucla, northwestern, and ut austin</p>

<p>how likely do you think?</p>


<p>rank: 1 or 2 /300
gpa: 4.61
school: public</p>

<p>SAT I:
-800 M
-800 W (10 essay)
-760 CR</p>

<p>SAT II:
-800 math ii c
-750 chem
-740 physics
-710 am hist</p>

-calc bc (5)
-calc ab (5)
-psychology (5)
-statistics (5)
-english language &composition (4)
-chemistry (4)
then i have a couple of 3's, and i'm taking 5 AP courses in school right now (french v ap, english lit, euro hist, bio ii, phys ii)</p>

<p>some awards/ECs:
-state mu alpha theta president, school president
-youth orchestra almost 10 years, currently 2nd chair violin; i also play the piano for younger groups
-piano over 10 years (i didn't start competing til high school though, but i've won quite a few things since then)
-origami (hobby)
-AIME 4 years
-national pentathalon 2nd place
-science olympiad regional & state awards
-science bowl team
-beta club outstanding dedication, state beta spelling runner-up
-french club officer 2 years
-trio pianist (we volunteer at nursing/retirement homes, churches, etc)
-regional medical center volunteer (3rd year now)
-rotary club
-korean scientists & engineers association national math competition 1st place in chapter for 3 consecutive years, national champion once
-high school rally 1st place</p>

<p>work experience:
i tutored people in math over the summer, and i worked at a medical brance of a university lab, where i did a baseline for a project and got a paper published with a team of researchers</p>

<p>soo what do you think my chances are at those schools?? i've already submitted harvard EA, but i was just curious.</p>


<p>Assuming you are a California resident,
UCLA: Safe Match</p>

<p>Amazing stats. Good chances everywhere.</p>

<p>flopsy, haha i'm not a cali resident; i'm from what people refer to as the "deep south"</p>

<p>and thanks beast master for your encouraging comment!</p>

<p>any others? ^^</p>

<p>great chances everywhere, but the top schools are unpredictable</p>


<p>UCLA: Match (out of state)</p>

<p>what about other schools?<br>
do people already in college get on this cc thing?</p>

<p>You have a pretty good chance at all of those places I think, but nothing is really sure-fire except Austin and maybe UCLA (but if you're out-of-state, it's more like a match). I think the colleges will like your research during the summer, though.</p>

Brown, Harvard, MIT, Yale, Stanford</p>

Hopkins, Northwestern, Rice, UCLA, UVA</p>

<p>Safety: UT-Austin</p>