Chances @ cornell reg??

<p>Ive been stressing so much, but i just wanted to know my chances..or what you guys thought were my chances:</p>

<p>-TX resident, but canadian citizen, asian male
-majoring in art history</p>

<p>-SAT I: 700M 690CR 680W 11essay
-SATIIs: Math IIc 760, Bio 650
-Rank: 2/365 in a small town school in TX...
-taken all hard classes
-strong essay
-strong letters of rec..i think they will show my passion for learning just for the sake of learning
-won some national, state, regional, and local competitions</p>

<p>-a LOT of extra curriculars
-lots of volunteer/community service stuff
-lots of leadership: Head Drum Major for 2 yrs, VP of spanish club, and some others</p>

<p>-probably sending a supp. paper i wrote for stanford summer class i took (art history), my prof told me it was comparable to grad work</p>

<p>should i do the interview?</p>

<p>What do you guys thing? Do i have a good chance? THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!!</p>

<p>what school at cornell? decent shot... rank is good but sat is average or slightly below average for cornell... ec's may help enough though, go for it ... idk about the interview.. i'm applying too ;)</p>

<p>DO THE INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>even though its optional, colleges like to see that you take the initiative to ask questions abou the school, expeicially if its one of your top choices.</p>