<p>Ive been stressing so much, but i just wanted to know my chances..or what you guys thought were my chances:</p>
<p>-TX resident, but canadian citizen, asian male
-majoring in art history</p>
<p>-SAT I: 700M 690CR 680W 11essay
-SATIIs: Math IIc 760, Bio 650
-Rank: 2/365 in a small town school in TX...
-taken all hard classes
-strong essay
-strong letters of rec..i think they will show my passion for learning just for the sake of learning
-won some national, state, regional, and local competitions</p>
<p>-a LOT of extra curriculars
-lots of volunteer/community service stuff
-lots of leadership: Head Drum Major for 2 yrs, VP of spanish club, and some others</p>
<p>-probably sending a supp. paper i wrote for stanford summer class i took (art history), my prof told me it was comparable to grad work</p>
<p>should i do the interview?</p>
<p>What do you guys thing? Do i have a good chance? THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!!</p>