chances //death

<p>ACT: 34</p>

<p>Freshman: GPA: 4.00/3.667
AGS1 [9th grd math]
Geophysical Science
US History 9
English 9
COmputer Programming 1
Spanish II</p>

<p>Sophomore: GPA: 3.1667/ 3.1667
AGS3 Honors [11th grd math/ skipped 10th grd math]
Honors biology
Political and economic systems
AP US History
Spanish III
American Literature and Writing</p>

<p>Junior: gpa: 3.00/ 4.2
AP Calculus AB [skipped 12th grd math]
Chemistry Honors
Honors debate
Advanced composition A
AP Biology
AP World History
Honors philosophy
Computer Programming II</p>

Science Olympiad
Model UN
Mock trial
student council
Key club
enlightenment project<br>
debate club</p>

<p>Service: 100+ hours</p>

<p>Extra information:
-1st generation
- mom died [affected grades sophomore year] however, also learned a lot emotionally and about life</p>

Using what I learned, I think I can write an awesome essay</p>

<p>Summing up the family issues [affected grades], do you think my ACT can help "make up" for the low GPA?</p>

<p>Can I get in? [Early admission] </p>


<p>I would say a reach. Because of UofM's gpa scale, which excludes freshman gpa, you would only have around a gpa of 3.1. But because of your situation and the your rigorous course load, I wouldn't be surprised if you got in though.</p>

<p>In state chances would also be significantly better in your case than Out of state.</p>

<p>yeah, im in state</p>



<p>Well get As the rest of your junior year. You have a negative trend, but at least you have a reason. AND it's a very good reason. Anyways, usually high test scores and a low GPA suggest that a person is a slacker, but try not to give them a chance to think that. In state will help you good amount.</p>

<p>seeing how michigan's acceptance rate is 47% or something</p>

<p>what are my chances?</p>

<p>You have a good chance if you're in-state - you have a challenging coarseload and good ACTs. You're grades will hurt you, so make sure your guidance counselor mentions the reason in your rec.</p>

<p>I think you'll be ok if you pull it up 2nd semester and you explain about your mom. Your ACT won't "make-up" for the grades, but prove that you can do better by pulling them up. =].</p>

<p>You have a pretty good shot with that ACT score but you might need to prove that you have recovered and can perform like you did freshman year once you get to college. If your junior year grades end up around 3.0, you might be deferred but if you get some better grades senior year you will get in. Good luck.</p>

<p>■■■■■ your stats are way better than mine and U of M is my safety. Your ACT makes up for your G.P.A. Don’t Worry! You will get in.</p>

<p>“■■■■■ your stats are way better than mine and U of M is my safety.”</p>

<p>um, maybe that’s not such a good idea?</p>

<p>This thread is two years old… </p>

<p>The OP probably already knows if he/she got in or not.</p>

<p>^hahaha, i didn’t even notice that. oops : P</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot…just pour your heart and soul into that essay!!! Also maybe your counselor recommendation can help explain your unfortunate personal circumstances which negatively effected your GPA. They look at the whole picture not just GPA. Good luck!!</p>