Chances for a 3.0 gpa but great guy!

<p>Weighted GPA: 3.4
Unweighted GPA: 3.0</p>

<p>SAT I: Math-690
Writing- 690
SAT II: Math I-690
Math II-600</p>

<p>Rank: 70/253 (27%)</p>

<p>My interests:
Music, Physics. I am a serious violist and plan to continue it in college.</p>

<p>Have taken AP chem, AP physics, AP Calc, and all honors courses so far.</p>

<p>Extracurricuals(heres where I am good):</p>

-Harvard University Orchestra
-MIT Philharmonic Orchestra
-Youth Philharmonic Orchestra at the New England Conservatory of Music
-Operatunity Performing Arts Center’s “Noyes Fludde” Pit Orchestra
-Youth Symphony Orchestra at the New England Conservatory of Music
-String Chamber Orchestraat the New England Conservatory of Music
-Youth Reparatory Orchestra at the New England Conservatory of Music
-Baroque Chamber Orchestra at the New England Conservatory of Music
-Milton High Schools String Ensemble
-Milton High School Quartet
-Pit orchestra for production of “Once Upon a Mattress”
-Jazz-II Ensemble
-Viola lessons to adolescent musicians</p>

<p>Music Competitions (state and region):
-Senior Massachusetts Southeastern District Orchestra 07
-Massachusetts All State Orchestra, Symphony Hall 07
-Senior Massachusetts Southeastern District Orchestra 06
-Massachusetts All State Orchestra, Symphony Hall 06
-Recommended for All-Eastern (Eastern part of US festival orchestra)</p>

<p>Volunteer(All of which over 100 hours have been commited):
-Volunteer at Blue Hills Reservation Camp Chickatawbut Hill(150 hrs)
-Volunteer at the Museum of Science Discovery Center (Over 500 hrs)
-Volunteer at Boston Children’s Hospital(120 hrs)
-Volunteer at Milton Hospital (100 hrs)
-Volunteer at St. Gregory’s Church, playing viola in the Youth Choir (over 300 hrs)</p>

-Engineering Curiculum Development at Muesum of Science (summer 06, and 07)
-Group and Fucntion Sales (Summer 05 and school year 05-06)
-Robotics Introduction at Muesum of Science (05)
-Engineering Introduction at Muesum of Science (07)
-Science Acting Theater Workshop at Muesum of Science (06)</p>

-Inducted into TRI M nation honor music society
-Honored as a “Rising Star” at President’s Dinner for Discoveries at the Museum of Science
-Awarded a Bronze Pin for service hours at the Museum of Science
-Awarded the "Most Valuable Contribution" by the Milton High Music Department
-Student of the Quarter for Community Service x2
-Awarded the "All-States" by the Milton High Music Department
-Awarded the "Districts" by the Milton High Music Department</p>

<p>Colleges I look at:</p>

<p>Wheaton(MA) early decision
Connecticut College
Holy Cross
RPI(w/out music major plans)</p>

<p>plan to major in music and physics</p>


<p>please help me guys</p>


<p>I think any school you apply to would be interested. Your ECs are amazing. It's nice that you have the Museum of Science activities to support your stated interest in physics, and that you have done more than just music (though I'm not sure I understand how you found the TIME to do so much!)</p>

<p>thank you kindly for the response eg1!</p>

<p>anybody else? plz help me out! ( :</p>


<p>I am also looking into Conn College and similar schools. Your ECs are great, but your SATs could use work. Just guessing from my limited knowlege of the other schools-
Connecticut College- REACH
Quinnipiac- MATCH
If you're interested in small LACs in New England, try and find similar ones which are easier to get into for safties, and you're pretty much set.</p>

<p>^ do you really think those schools are al matches or reaches? i think the OP's ECs are incredible and s/he could aim a little higher for reach schools...</p>

<p>Yes ECs are great, but GPA and SATs are low for schools like Conn and some of those schools aren't so big on music. Incredible ECs aren't everything.
...and I was also just making educated guesses, as we all do.</p>

<p>If you are looking into a school like RPI, WPI is a great engineering school and is a bit more in reach for you</p>

<p>@calhounbass00n - yea you're probably right</p>

<p>The GPA and SAT will hold you back but the ECs are wonderful. You have a good shot at all the schools you listed. I would consider Skidmore if I were you.</p>

<p>you don't have to submit SATs to wheaton or conn college if that helps.</p>

<p>Check out University of Rochester and Eastman School of Music (they may have separate admission applications).<br>
Your stats may be a tad low for U of Rochester, but you seem to have extremely good music EC's which could help rule the day.
Another school (not all too familiar with but have seen listed on these boards for solid academics and good music) is Oberlin.
You may want to post on the parents board- we really can be helpful (annoying sometimes but helpful) And Skidmore sounds like a school you should pursue too.
Good Luck!!</p>

<p>I think with your solid ECs that show a really strong passion for music that you stand a good chance at Wheaton Early D., goodluck man</p>

<p>I think u have a good shot at those. mayby also look into UCONN.</p>