<p>How are my chances?/ where else should i be looking?</p>
<p>Weighted GPA: 3.4
Unweighted GPA: 3.0</p>
<p>SAT I: Math-690
Writing- 690
SAT II: Math I-690
Math II-600</p>
<p>Rank: 70/253 (27%)</p>
<p>My interests:
Music, Physics. I am a serious violist and plan to continue it in college.</p>
<p>Have taken AP chem, AP physics, AP Calc, and all honors courses so far.</p>
<p>Extracurricuals(heres where I am good):</p>
-Harvard University Orchestra
-MIT Philharmonic Orchestra
-Youth Philharmonic Orchestra at the New England Conservatory of Music
-Operatunity Performing Arts Centers Noyes Fludde Pit Orchestra
-Youth Symphony Orchestra at the New England Conservatory of Music
-String Chamber Orchestraat the New England Conservatory of Music
-Youth Reparatory Orchestra at the New England Conservatory of Music
-Baroque Chamber Orchestra at the New England Conservatory of Music
-Milton High Schools String Ensemble
-Milton High School Quartet
-Pit orchestra for production of Once Upon a Mattress
-Jazz-II Ensemble
-Viola lessons to adolescent musicians</p>
<p>Music Competitions (state and region):
-Senior Massachusetts Southeastern District Orchestra 07
-Massachusetts All State Orchestra, Symphony Hall 07
-Senior Massachusetts Southeastern District Orchestra 06
-Massachusetts All State Orchestra, Symphony Hall 06
-Recommended for All-Eastern (Eastern part of US festival orchestra)</p>
<p>Volunteer(All of which over 100 hours have been commited):
-Volunteer at Blue Hills Reservation Camp Chickatawbut Hill(150 hrs)
-Volunteer at the Museum of Science Discovery Center (Over 500 hrs)
-Volunteer at Boston Childrens Hospital(120 hrs)
-Volunteer at Milton Hospital (100 hrs)
-Volunteer at St. Gregorys Church, playing viola in the Youth Choir (over 300 hrs)</p>
-Engineering Curiculum Development at Muesum of Science (summer 06, and 07)
-Group and Fucntion Sales (Summer 05 and school year 05-06)
-Robotics Introduction at Muesum of Science (05)
-Engineering Introduction at Muesum of Science (07)
-Science Acting Theater Workshop at Muesum of Science (06)</p>
-Inducted into TRI M nation honor music society
-Honored as a Rising Star at Presidents Dinner for Discoveries at the Museum of Science
-Awarded a Bronze Pin for service hours at the Museum of Science
-Awarded the "Most Valuable Contribution" by the Milton High Music Department
-Student of the Quarter for Community Service x2
-Awarded the "All-States" by the Milton High Music Department
-Awarded the "Districts" by the Milton High Music Department</p>
<p>Colleges I look at:</p>
<p>Wheaton(MA) early decision
Connecticut College
Holy Cross
RPI(w/out music major plans)</p>
<p>plan to major in music and physics</p>