Chances for a branch campus?

<p>Not sure if anyone knows about them since this is mainly a PSU-main forum but thought I'd give it a shot anyway.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.4 (had Honors English in 11th and most likely 12th grade if that matters)
SAT: 1400/2400 (probably going that again)
EC'S: Swim team for all four years, newspaper staff for three years (already been told I'll be editor-in-chief next year if that matters). Don't know if this is one but I've had a job this past summer and this same job this upcoming summer as well.</p>

<p>I'm also in-state if that matters.</p>

<p>Probably going to apply next August so I can do it as early as possible.</p>

<p>Don't know if this matters or not but I'll be applying to PSU-Altoona. Don't know if one branch campus is tougher than others.</p>


<p>I’d say you are fine for branch. I would at least try for UP for the summer session. You are a reach but it is worth a shot!</p>

<p>Yeah I’ve been thinking of that. </p>

<p>But I just have a fear of starting at a large university such as PSU-main and failing. For me, it’d be a easier transition to start out at a branch campus then transfer over to PSU-main for my junior and senior years.</p>


<p>I have a daughter who was just accepted to University Park for this coming Fall, but her sister is a sophomore at PSU-Lehigh Valley. Your grades are better than D1 but she did better on the SAT. She was rejected for UP but accepted to her second choice. D1 loves Lehigh Valley campus. She could go to UP in the Fall as a junior when her younger sister will be a Freshman but has declined. She wants to stay at Lehigh Valley all four years. Her choice. </p>

<p>I agree with Cwryan1. Apply to UP summer session and list Altoona as second choice. You’ll probably end up there but if you retake the SAT and do better, you just might have a shot at UP for a summer start that has helped a lot of kids to get ready for the invasion in the Fall of PSU’s top admittees. I don’t believe putting Altoona as your second choice will reduce your chances of getting into Altoona.</p>

<p>Can you list more than one alternate campus? Altoona is probably the most popular second choice because of its proximity to UP.</p>