<p>I'm a Junior at a large low-performing high school in Tri-State Area (I'm middle class and white)</p>
<p>SAT: 2300+ (based of psat)
SATII: 730, 760, 760, one more that is not so stellar (does it count, considering they ask for 3?)
Rank: top 10 students of ~512
APs: 5/4/4/5</p>
<p>ECs:Prez of Investment Club, Prez of Student Gov, Prez of NHS, Mock Trial Capt, science research at nyu, volunteering, internship w/ politician, finance internship in manhattan, Varsity Tennis (not that great though)</p>
<p>Any chances? Advice? Is it recommended for a student of my mediocore credentials (for HARVARD!) and from my poor school to apply EASC? or is that a disadvantage because of the stiff competition?
Be honest.. If Harvard is totally out of my league, which colleges should I look at?
I'm looking to major in statistics or econ
Thanks, in advance!!!</p>