<p>Hey CC, I'm a senior at a top 3 Public HS in PA
GPA: 3.9 W, 3.25 UW...very slight upward trend. My school doesn't rank, but this would probably be in the top third.
SATs: 2200. 730 CR/710 M/760 W
SAT 2: 730 on US History
ECs: NHS (senior year), School Newspaper (writer 9th and 10th, Sports Editor 11th, Op-Ed 12th), Student Council (Member 10th and 11th, Treasurer in 12th), Wrote and maintained website for the school basketball team in 11th and 12th, Volunteer tutor to a disadvantaged elementary student (10th), Volunteer youth basketball coach (11th and 12th), Class President (9th), Member of the Golf Team (11th, 12th), Ref in a local flag football league (10th and 11th, head of refs in 12th), Umpire in a local baseball league (9th-12th).
Curriculum Strength: Took mainly Honors courses, will graduate having taken 5 APs.
AP Scores: 5 on APUSH and AP L&C.</p>
<p>Schools considering: Vanderbilt (ED Peabody), Michigan, UNC, Penn State, University of Florida, Indiana, UCLA, Texas, USC, Bucknell</p>
<p>Other info of note: No financial aid required, Jewish.</p>
<p>Let me know what you think. I will chance back.</p>
<p>Vandy (slight reach- bc the unweighted, but still very good chances due to SAT)
Michigan (match)
UNC (Match)
Penn state (definitely)
U of F (definitely)
Indiana (without a doubt)
UCLA (definitely in. kids who apply from PA get into fairly easily due to the geographic diversity, out of state tuition costs, and lower SAT range)
Texas (in)
USC (should be in, but slightly harder than UCLA to get in)
Bucknell (definitely, based on gpa/sat alone)</p>
<p>Vandy - Good chance
UofM - Most likely
PSU - Oh yeah
Indiana - No question
UCLA - Probably
Texas - I don’t know a lot about Texas
USC - Agreed with Matt, harder but most likely
Bucknell - Don’t know a lot about there requirements.</p>
<p>Vanderbilt (ED Peabody) - Low Reach
Michigan - Match
UNC - Match
Penn State - Yes
University of Florida - Yes
Indiana - Yes
UCLA - As a Californian, UCLA is usually perceived as hard to get into, but you’re out of state and your stats are good so I’m gonna say like…high match or something
Texas - Yes
USC - Harder than UCLA but you should get in.
Bucknell - Don’t know much about this school, sorry</p>
<p>If you need us to evaluate your chances, why should we be interested in your evaluation of our chances? Offering chance-backs is rather ridiculous, as it just ends up with a bunch of people getting useless guesses.</p>
<p>All the people saying that UMich is a match for you have no idea what they are talking about. Even before they got 61,000 applications last year, they rarely took anyone with less than a 3.5 unweighted. UMich is a reach for you by any definition.</p>
<p>Vandy - Low/mid reach
UofM - High match
PSU - Low match
Indiana - Safety
UCLA - High match
Texas - High match
USC - Low reach
Bucknell - Match/High match</p>
<p>Overall, the only thing I think that is hurting you is your UW GPA and your class rank. You really should fare well in general with these schools, but keep in mind Vandy is a crapshoot-- I know someone that got into Princeton RD and not Vandy ED. Best of luck!</p>
<p>I’ve got to ask: Which college in Texas are you interested in? University of Texas (at Austin)? </p>
<p>I live in Texas so I’m aware of how UTa automatically accepts the top 8% of high school class, based on rank. This, already, makes it unusually harder for out-of-state applicants to get in, especially because so many students apply and attend. It was originally top 10% accepted automatically (just like 2 years ago?), but they changed it because of the severe limitation on OOS applicants. </p>
<p>I’ve got no “proof” for this, but I just feel that UTa would really appreciate OOS applicants who specify in football, or athletics. Football is big here. </p>
<p>Similarly, it’s difficult to get in for students out of the top 8% percent. I would keep this in mind. I’m also ‘only’ a student, so take this as you will, but it’s infamous in how people out of top 8% percent stress about not getting into UTa despite already living in Texas. </p>
<p>If you’re not referring to UTa, then… nevermind. I just thought I’d tell you.</p>
<p>You are definitely in at all of them except for Vanderbilt, Michigan, and USC, which are all low reaches for you. Applying to Vanderbilt ED will definitely help though, and your scores seem on par for Michigan, but it’s known to be kind of tough on out-of-state residents. Overall though, I’d say you’ll get into at least two of those three schools, if not all of them.</p>
<p>Vanderbilt- low reach<br>
Michigan- high match. I disagree with Red Seven. You got some sexy SAT scores!
UNC- high match
Penn State- safety
University of Florida- safety
Indiana- safety
UCLA- low reach/ high match
Texas- low match
USC- low reach
<p>Vanderbilt, UoM, and USC may be slight reaches, but the rest should be pretty good chances. It’s interesting, you and I have almost the exact same scores, gpa, and classes haha. Good Luck!</p>
<p>I hate to be a bummer, but UCLA prides GPA over SAT scores. I don’t know if they openly state that, but when their representative admission officer came to our school, she told us so. I don’t know if your SAT score will make up for such a low GPA. I would say that you have a pretty good chance though for UCLA, because you are really active within your school and your high school is in the top, meaning it’s hard to do super well.</p>
<p>Thanks for the chance. Pretty great SAT scores</p>
<p>Vandy - Good chance
Mich- Most likely
PSU - In
Indiana - In
UCLA - high match
Texas - high match
USC - very low reach (quite tough to get in)
Bucknell - match but not too clear abuot their requirements as well</p>