chances for a transfer to UMass Amherst

So I currently attend a small 4 year private school in Mass and was wondering my chances of getting in to UMass Amherst.

At the end of this spring I will be graduating my school (unless i transfer back into their 4 year program) with a. associates degree in paralegal studies and a ABA accredited paralegal certificate.

My intended major at UMass- Legal Studies
Current GPA- 2.7(yeah I know it sucks)

I had a rough freshmen year at school.
1st semester: A-, B+, B-, B, C+,C
2nd semester: B+,B-, C, C, C
Summer courses: B+, B
3rd semester midterm reports: A, A, B+, B, N/A(Professor has all major assignments due at the final so she has no real grade for me yet)

I’m also in the law club at my school and I live in Mass. My dad attended the school years ago and my brother went to UMass Dartmouth and they both loved it and that’s why I’m applying. I know my GPA is not great but I did the math and hopefully if my finals go well I can get it to a 2.9/3.0. Let me know what you think!