Chances for a worried student

<p>Greek Male
Attend rigorous private school in NJ
Rank: School doesnt rank..only 57 kids in my graduating class
SAT: not submitting
ACT: 29 (taking again for 32 +)...i got a 29 because I got an 18. (unaware of time)
Taken 9 AP's, 7 honors throughout high school </p>

<p>Freshman and sophomore year had a 3.3 gpa while junior year had a gpa is around 3.6.</p>

<p>Senior Schedule: </p>

<p>AP Economics Macro
AP Economics Micro
AP Calculus AB
AP English Language
AP Spanish V
Honors Anatomy and Physiology
AP Psychology (Self Study) </p>

<p>EC's: </p>

<p>GOYA(Greek Orthodox Youth Association): Vice President
Sons of Pericles: Tri-state area treasurer
Academic Team: Co-captain
Science League: Member
Newspaper: Copy Editor
Admissions Ambassadors: Selected Member
College Intern: Help College Guidance office(built my class's library)
Lower School Internship Program- Teach Kindergarteners 1 day a week
Model UN: Member
Math League: Top 3 students
Varsity Tennis: 2nd doubles
Varsity Squash: 3rd singles
USATT table tennis: Ranked 75th in NJ
Basketball and Soccer for GOYA: Captain of both teams
Community Service: Helped build a home
Habitat for Humanity: Helped homeowner paint his fence
Chess Team: Captain and 1st board</p>

<p>Volunteer at Food Bank and Ronald Mcdonald house</p>

<p>High Honor Roll throughout Junior year
Honor Roll for first two years
National Spanish Honor Society</p>

<p>Colleges: </p>

<p>NYU (Early Desicion to CAS) hoping to be GSP'ed
GWU (ED II if i dont get into ^)
Boston U
Boston College
SUNY Binghamton
Columbia University
Villanova University
Lafayette College
Franklin and Marshall College
Penn State UP
Tufts University
Johns Hopkins University</p>

<p>Note: (My school sends half the class to either sub ivy or ivy schools..although you may think my stats are a little low...please consider this..heres some examples) </p>

<p>Accepted NYU</p>

<p>GPA: 90.455 SAT: 1700
GPA: 88.98 SAT: 1910 </p>

<p>Accepted Lehigh</p>

<p>GPA: 84.86 SAT: 2020
GPA: 91.2 SAT: 1900</p>

<p>Accepted Johns Hopkins </p>

<p>GPA: 90.24 SAT: 2220 </p>


<p>my bad...i am submitting the sat's cuz i have sat ii's =...both math's 700</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>56 views and no comments come on ppl</p>

<p>87 posts and nothing...please</p>

<p>Hi, normally I dont really post on "chances" threads because 1 I haven't been monitoring these boards for very long, and 2 they're not very accurate. But, I felt sorry for you because of your repeated bumping, so here goes:</p>

<p>You're not taking the sats? That's a little weird. I thought it was required to take the SAT reasoning test for just about all US colleges? Especially ivies? 700's on both math's isn't anything too hot...I mean, 700 is a decent score for some tests, but I've heard they kinda look down on you if you take both maths. -Only reason I heard was because that's what i've got too.</p>

<p>I really have no idea, maybe some veteran can answer properly, but i'd say you could probably get into at least one of your listed colleges. But I dunno about the no-SAT thing.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>i took the sat's...but im better at act' they will consider that</p>

<p>NYU (Early Desicion to CAS) hoping to be GSP'ed--Match, if you get an ACT of 31+ (and I expect you will), otherwise Slight Reach, upward trend helps you a lot here and at most schools.
GWU (ED II if i dont get into ^)--Match
Boston U--Safe Match
Boston College--Slight Reach
SUNY Binghamton--Match
Columbia University--Slight Reach to Reach
Villanova University--Match
Lafayette College--Match
Franklin and Marshall College--Match
Penn State UP--Match
Tufts University--Slight Reach
Johns Hopkins University--Slight Reach</p>

<p>I don't think there is any problem with taking both SAT II Math I and SAT II Math II--especially if you get 700 or better on both of them. (Personally, I got 800 on both along with a 700 on US History, and that got me accepted to Brown). Just remember that a school like Columbia wants to see three SAT IIs not counting the Math I one.</p>

<p>wow thanks a lot calcruzer...u really boosted my confidence.</p>

<p>I know I wont get into Columbia, Tufts. or Johns Hopklins...thats juswt for the hell of it</p>

<p>bump....the ratio of comments to views is ghastly....033</p>

<p>You could do better than half those schools. No kidding aside.</p>

<p>You will get into NYU early.</p>

<p>hey yanks how do u figure?</p>

<p>I think you could do better than Villanova, PSU, and Franklin and Marshall. Upward trends of a 4.0 are really good. And a 29+ on the ACTs are great as well.</p>

<p>you guys are great..thanks</p>

<p>You should get into NYU, so I wouldn't worry about anywhere else just yet. Mad props to getting a 29 on the ACTs, I'm envious.</p>

<p>thanks man...a 29 is not that good compared to some of the other kids on this forum...but thanks anyway....anyone else?</p>