Chances for an average junior?

<p>Hi, I'm a junior with pretty low GPA, and okay-ish test scores, just wondering if I have half a shot at 1. Columbia (SEAS) 2. Rice 3. WashU. Hoping to major in Biomed engineering. Thanks so much! </p>

<p>SAT-2190 (CR-700, M-750, W-700)
GPA-3.66 unweighted (4.155 weighted)
AP-so far, World History (4), Human Geo (4)</p>

<p>Junior Year
AP Chemistry
AP Calc BC
AP English Language
AP Spanish Language
AP US History
Honors Physics</p>

<p>Senior Year
AP Statistics
AP Physics B
AP Physics C
AP Biology
AP English Lit
AP Govt/AP Econ</p>

<p>....not many achievements. did well in HOSA competition (national), NHS for 3 years and counting, historian of History Club, treasurer of volunteering club, math club, science team, Multicultural Club performer, marching band section leader for a year...
no hooks to speak of, Chinese female :P
from texas, if it matters?</p>

<p>Thank you so much for you time! I really appreciate it. College apps seem like something I should tackle sooner rather than later.</p>

<p>Lol you’re joking right? Or are you just looking to get compliments? You can definitely get into columbia with that GPA, test scores, and AP classes. Also, I don’t think you’re allowed to do Physics B and C together…</p>

<p>And your SAT score doesn’t add up. 700 + 700 + 750 = 2150 not 2190.</p>

<p>ahh, sorry W-740. xP</p>

<p>I didn’t think so either, but my counselor was nice enough to fix the classes. I mean, even if I can’t get credit, at least I can learn more physics?
thanks for your quick response! :)</p>

<p>…bump. :)</p>

<p>“I mean, even if I can’t get credit, at least I can learn more physics?”</p>

<p>If physics is something you absolutely love, then I say go for it! Just don’t overload yourself with too much work. :-)</p>

<p>Columbia - Reach
Rice - Possible
WashU - Possible</p>

<p>ummm Physics C mechanics and Physics B are held on the same day same time so unless you get a hold of Hermionie’s Time turner you can’t do both.
AP Schedule does not permit it.</p>

<p>^ you can take the classes without taking the ap tests. yeah, it would be nice to get another few credits out of the way, but if he lists all of those AP tests as pending when he fills out his commonapp, it’s really just entirely negligible with respect to the application process. adcoms will see it on his transcript, anyway. </p>

<p>Columbia - reach
WashU - high match/low reach
Rice - high match/low reach</p>

<p>“pretty low GPA”?</p>

<p>Your GPA is above 4.00… I’d say that’s pretty good but OK</p>

<p>Your UW GPA could be slightly off-putting, but overall you look fine. But those schools are competitive for anyone, so who knows…</p>

<p>thanks for your input everyone! :)</p>