Chances for Brown/Dartmouth/Yale/Rice?

<p>I'm only a sophomore, so all of this is an estimation of what I'll have by app time. I've also posted this in the Brown forum, as it's my top choice.</p>

<p>The colleges I'm hoping for are Brown, Dartmouth, Yale, or Rice. (In that order.) If I don't make it in to any of those four, which is, unfortunately, likely, I'll end up going to a state school where I'm (literally!) automatically accepted anyway.</p>

Caucasian (German descent)
Born and raised in southern U.S.
Current sophomore
Live with mom, parents are divorced and dad doesn't pay child support
Plan on majoring in psychology</p>

GPA: 3.5 unweighted, 4.2 weighted (estimation by app time)
Rank: top 5%
SAT's - in the 2000 range, give or take about 50 points I'd estimate.
SAT II's - honestly, I've never even heard of SAT II's until looking in to Brown applications. I would take Spanish and either Biology or one of the math ones, and I would estimate an average score for both. Maybe a bit higher for Spanish, though.</p>

<p>I'm in as many honors classes as I can be in, and I have been since middle school. (GT/pre-AP). My school has rigorous requirements for graduation, so I won't get to take any classes that really reflect my interests until senior year. (Student empowerment team, mainly. It's a mentoring program for elementary kids.)</p>

<p>AP classes taken by app time:
English 3, World History, US History, Psychology, English 4, Calculus AB</p>

<p>AP classes for senior year:
Calculus BC (I really, really hate math, so this is a stretch.), Biology, European History, and Spanish 4 if the class isn't discontinued.</p>

<p>My recs... ugh, I hate recs. Despite that, I could get a few good ones.</p>

*Recognized with high honors on state level for instrument. (Band nerd here!)
*NHS senior year
*Various school awards that don't count for much
*Section leader in band</p>

*I'm a strong synesthetic, which is what I would probably base my essay on.
*I've been the lone vegetarian in my family since I was seven.
*Even though I don't like to admit it, I suppose I'm a fairly good writer. I get straight A's, if not hundreds, on essays by the toughest AP English teacher in my school. I've also had a few small things published... no epic novels.
*I've been learning Russian on my own, and while it's by no means at a fluent level, I would be able to communicate if thrown into Moscow randomly. I'd actually love to study abroad there some time, though I know Brown doesn't have a program there.
*I plan on doing volunteer work at an AIDS society starting this summer.</p>

<p>Please let me know what you think my chances are for the schools I listed at the beginning are! Also, how can I improve my chances?</p>

<p>No extracurriculars? You need to start. Colleges like dedication. I really think colleges could care less whether or not you are vegetarian. </p>

<p>Everyone does volunteer work at an AIDS society or something similar… nothing special there. self-taught russian… impressive but I don’t know if colleges would see anything in that unless you plan to somehow apply it or weave it into a hardship. </p>

<p>3.5 unweighted…gotta get that up.
SATs should be higher too if your GPA is going to be that low…</p>

<p>state level for instrument is a plus. Try national =)</p>

<p>You seem to take an interest in psychology. Try and make a different or do lots of extracurriculars relating to that field.</p>

<p>just my opinion.</p>

<p>It is too early to tell and too much depends on the accuracy of your estimations. You can see the profiles of others who got into those schools in the links below:
[■■■■■■■■■■■■■</a> - Dartmouth College](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/college.php?college=15#cstats]■■■■■■■■■■■■■”>http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/college.php?college=15#cstats)
[■■■■■■■■■■■■■</a> - Brown University](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/college.php?college=18#cstats]■■■■■■■■■■■■■”>http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/college.php?college=18#cstats)
[■■■■■■■■■■■■■</a> - Yale University](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/college.php?college=8#cstats]■■■■■■■■■■■■■”>http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/college.php?college=8#cstats)</p>

<p>Yeah, you need some extracurriculars for certain. Also, why do white people always specify what type of “Caucasian” they are? Adcoms only care that you are white.</p>

<p>Definitely work on your EC’s and your UW GPA… there both really weak</p>

<p>all the schools you listed accepts the average GPA of a 100…your gpa is like in the 80’s. if tat dosnt go up you have very little chance…
plus youre going by estimation so its hard for anyone to have accurate chances for you.</p>

<p>GPA is kinda low.
Try for a 1500+ if you want to get into any of those schools or get your grades up before senior year.</p>

<p>HAHAHAHAHAHA. you’re kidding right?</p>

<p>youre just a sophomore and your life will be so different from this estimation and how you picture it will be.</p>

<p>trust me.</p>

<p>the colleges you want to go to will probably change too. youre too young to worry about all of this. the stress is not even worth it.</p>

<p>SSAT’s may be too low.</p>