Chances for Brown ED...

<p>kinda lame but i really couldnt resist</p>

<p>Asian male... there are so many of us
College Class Year: 2013
High School: Private/Catholic
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>

GPA - Unweighted: 3.74
Class Rank: 7/243</p>

SAT I Math: 720
SAT I Critical Reading: 750
SAT I Writing: 710
Total: 2180 (superscore)
SAT II Chem: 790
SAT II Math Level 2: 700 (didnt take precalc so i ran outta time)</p>

<p>APs: I didnt send these/got sick of work after junior year
Chemistry 4
Statistics 4
English Lang 4
US History 3...</p>

<p>Schedule: will have taken 9 APs, and our school wouldn't let us take any APs until junior year</p>

<p>Senior courseload: AP English Lit, AP Gov, AP French 4, AP Calc BC, AP Physics C, Doctrine/Paul's Epistles (Catholic school)</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: 4 time letterman for Golf (I have a guarantee spot this year), Peer ministry, Peer mentor (we have an Options Program for special students), Senior Class VP, Academic Decathlon, Math Team, Theology Editor for school newspaper, Co-Founder of Philosophy Club
Honors and Awards: AP Scholar with Honor, National Honor Society (and French), some school awards and scholarship, Bronze metal for URI Second Year Chem Comp., some golf stuff</p>

<p>Essays: eh, I feel like they're good but I really don't have much to compare them to
Recs: Should be great, our counselor supposedly makes students sound like gods</p>

<p>and I’ve talked to the golf coach but he just said if I make it in then I’ll be on the team… I’ve been kinda anxious these past few days</p>

<p>looking at the numbers, you have a pretty solid chance to brown ed. you also have strong ECs w/ leadership so i believe you are a strong candidate. If you wrote a good essay, then you will most likely get in</p>

<p>with golf id be surprised if you didnt get in. and your sats are very solid even for ivy. the one weakness is your aps, because you didn’t send them…</p>

<p>omg @ your course load! I say you have a very fair shot at Brown ED! excellent rank :)</p>

<p>haha, static75, you’re awesome.</p>

<p>You are in the general score ranges with a very good class rank which is a very good starting point. Add in golf, a couple good recs, ED and a good essay and you’re in. Good luck man.</p>

<p>thanks irugee
also I would like to go to BC if Brown doesnt work out (weird combo, I know)
anyone have any input on that?</p>

<p>anyone have any safety school options for me?</p>

<p>yeah i’d say you look good. </p>

<p>chance back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>if you dont get into BC, i would be surprised. Safeties really depend on what you want… for an example, im applying to BU and Stonehill as safeties because i like their neuroscience programs and they are one of the few low tier schools that have astronomy.<br>
I dont know what you really want from the colleges but im pretty sure you can find your kind of safeties easily.</p>

<p>I no longer chance but I will point out that at any ivy, a very good rank is top 2. I’ll use Dartmouth as a good mid range example. 40% of those ranked were either number 1 or 2 in class. </p>

<p>Next consider median GPA. At Dartmouth for the class of 2012: 740M, 730CR.</p>

<p>So for a good chance at Dartmouth with no hook, and I mwould guess Brown is similar, you would be top 2 with over 1470 SAT.</p>

<p>mephisto your posts are always helpful
and hmom, thanks, i have a 1470 right on the dot haha. although, would a golf coach whose not actually sponsoring me but putting in a good word for admissions considered a hook?</p>

<p>Not a hook but maybe a tip? Golf is not a revenue sport so…</p>


<p>a very reputable source of mine told me that you’re either the valedictorian, 2-10, or not top ten. So, itsgametime, I am very certain that you match well with other applicants at Brown.</p>