<p>Hey everyone, thanks for reading my thread! I am applying to the University of Pittsburgh's College of Business Administration (undergrad) for a bachelor's in finance, fall 2009. I sent in my online application a week or so ago, sent in my SAT scores three days ago, and have not yet sent in my transcript or letters of recommendation. Could you tell me whether or not I have a shot of getting in, and whether there are other schools I should be looking at? My stats are:</p>
<p>GPA: 90.7% unweighted, translates to a 3.6 or 3.7.
SAT: 730 (reading) 650 (math). Taken once.
AP: US History (4) AP Biology (4). Will be taking AP Gov and AP English Lit. How do I send in my AP scores? Is there a fee involved?
Classes: I have taken abundant electives. No academic classes except for math--all are honors and AP. 5 years of German (year one began in 8th grade). No study halls.</p>
<p>--School musical. Sophomore and senior year.
--Honor guard. Sophomore and junior year.
--Show Choir. Sophomore year on.
--Chorus. Freshman year on.
--Jazz Ensemble. Junior year on.
--Student Forum. History class representative, elected by classmates for one year term sophomore year.
--S.T.A.N.D. Student activism organization to stop genocide in Darfur. Helped found school chapter, elected treasurer and created fundraisers. Junior year on.
--Debate. Questioner. in junior year, team was 8-0 in our debate league, undefeated. Sophomore year on.
--National History Day. Held group leadership positions, used technology and writing skills to create projects which traveled to the state competition every year, and display in junior year placed second at the national level. 6th grade on.
--Student Council. Junior year on. Attended meetings once per cycle often, contributed ideas.</p>
<p>--Weis Markets (supermarket). Since August 2007. Began as cashier, became customer service rep. and then cashier monitor and did bookwork. work approximately 20 hours per week during the school year, 30 over the summer. </p>
<p>--Discussed national win at History Day, elaborated about how 5 years has taught me leadership/writing skills. </p>
<p>I will be getting three letters of recommendation from teachers that I am 99.9% sure will be positive.</p>
<p>Do you think I have a chance? I know Pitt isn't an Ivy League school, but have I applied too late/did I need to improve anything? Are there other schools I should look at? I have considered American.</p>
<p>Thanks for your help! I appreciate it!</p>