Chances for Cal Poly SLO

My dream school is Cal Poly SLO from out of state (Arizona). I am a high school senior this year. I would like to share some things about my academic profile, and I was wondering if you could evaluate your personal opinion of whether you think I will get accepted or not. I have applied already for political science, but I don’t find out until March.
My unweighted GPA is a 3.92 and my GPA calculated by Cal Poly is a 4.16. I am currently taking 3 AP classes (physics, literature, and government). They are the only AP classes I’ve taken because I’ve opted for dual enrollment and in-person classes at my local community college. There I have taken CIS105, SWU250, COM100, SOC101, ENG101, HIS103, MAT152, SPA101, CRE101, HIS104, MAT182, and SPA102. So, I have taken a large range of college course which I feel is something that makes my application stand out. I also took honors freshman english, honors sophomore english, honors world history, and one semseter of honors geometry. The college classes are not weighted in my GPA and the only B’s I have recieved are both semesters of geometry and one semester of college algebra. All my other grades are A’s.
Both my parents have graduated highschool, and their income is above average for Cal Poly students families if that is relevant. I am also a white woman.
For the work experience category, I answered 16-21 hours for paid work, not major related. For extracurricular category, I answered 21+, with a leadership role.
I would appreciate your response, because I am curious and have no idea whether I should be accepting a rejection or acceptance. Thank you :slight_smile:

I have also taken 3 years of spanish, 4 years of science, and took Algebra I in 8th grade.

Congratulations on being a competitive applicant but I removed your name from your original post for privacy.

The Political Science admit rate based on 2022-2023 target projections is around 16% so I would say overall it is a Reach school but attainable especially as an OOS applicant.

The overall admit rate for the College of Liberal Arts was 30.8% and your GPA is well within the middle 50% of admitted LA applicants: SLO GPA of 4.00 – 4.25. As an OOS applicant, you are evaluated in the OOS admission pool. For 2021, SLO had 16 Arizona First time Freshman enroll. The # applying is not listed.

Cal Poly SLO like all Cal States are need blind, race/ethnicity blind and since they offer little to no financial aid (need-based or merit), they expect OOS students to be full pay.

Out of state honors do not get the extra weighting in the SLO GPA calculation but CSU transferable college courses do get the extra weighting (Dependent upon which courses SLO will give you credit) and your College courses will be given points for extra rigor in their admission algorithm.

Best of luck.

Make sure that this school is affordable since California’s public universities do not provide financial aid to non residents.
Also, please make sure that you have taken a visual/performing arts course with a grade to cover the F requirement.

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Okay, thank you for your response!

Yeah especially OOS Cal Poly is pretty expensive but my parents have offered to pay for me if I get accepted. And I was able to cover that credit by taking beginning and advanced jewelry. Thank you so much!

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Good Luck. You have a good chance of admission as an OOS student. Make sure the college courses transfer so that you can save some money as OOS tuition is expensive.

Okay, thank you for your response!

A post was split to a new thread: Estimated admit rate for Industrial Tech and Packaging