Chances for Cate

<p>At the interview, the admissions officer said that I am exactly what Cate is looking for. They also said that I have an wonderful personality.
I have played Piano for 4 years and Saxophone for 1 year.
I have played Soccer for 4 years and Golf, Baseball, Tennis, and Swimming for 1 year.
In my school I participate in environmental express club, 8th grade dance committee, 8th grade Representative, Play Production, Student Mediator, and Hippocrates Circle ( which is a medical program, where students volunteer at hospitals, work with doctors on patients. I also got to watch a live surgery).
My grades are ok, I have 4 B's and 2 C's.
All of my recommendations were outstanding.
But my SSAT scores were horrific.
Verbal: 32%
Math: 8%
Reading: 8%
Total: 10%</p>

<p>What are my chances on getting excepted ??</p>

<p>You have many interesting EC’s that clearly define your interests and seem to have aced the interview, but your grades could hinder you because the average grade BS is looking for is A or B and you have some C’s and no A’s. The SSAT scores aren’t good either; you might want to rethink this applying to schools thing. Maybe you messed up the scoring. Are you applying to any other schools?</p>

<p>I agree with urbanflop. You have great ECs, but your SSAT and grades show that you might not be academically competent for Cate.
I think it’s best for you to wait until next year, then you’ll have the experience of applying to boarding schools. Work hard to keep your grades up, remember to hit the SSAT prep book in the summer and write rough drafts for your essays. I’m sure next year you’ll get into some great schools.
I’m not saying that you have no chance of getting in. You have a chance, but your chance is extremely, extremely slim seeing that your SSATs is only 10%. Don’t keep your hopes up too high on March 10th.</p>

<p>You don’t have a chance, due to your SSAT’s, sorry</p>

<p>Truthfully, I don’t think you have a chance at getting into Cate because of your grades and SSAT’s.</p>

<p>I’d suggest to improve your SSAT’s by hitting the prep books. Specifically for the reading portion, read more often, and just ask yourself questions on what you read. (Ex.: What is the main idea of what I just read? Is there any moral significance?) It is difficult to improve on the math portion, however. You really just have to familiarize yourself with the different material covered… Focusing on your schoolwork, getting closer to your teachers, and going above and beyond on assignments will help you with both your recommendations and your grades. </p>

<p>I hope this helps.</p>

<p>your ssats are too low man. cate is a good school in ca but 10% is gonna bring your chances down.</p>

<p>I got Rejected :frowning: … But ill re apply next year</p>

<p>I talked to the Admissions team and they said my SSAT was the ONLY reasons I got rejected ! :(</p>