Chances for Colorado College?

I’m going into my senior year, and after a summer full of college visits, CC is my top choice.
About myself:
I attend a selective, audition-based performing arts school in Ohio, where I major in Drama and Stage Management (organizing and running productions, communicating and running meetings with other students, faculty, and administrators, and running all rehearsals and performances). Yes, I do take academic classes, all of which have been honors, AP, or dual enrollment. I am very involved with my school, either performing in or working on most mainstage productions throughout the year, and I am a member of our Drama Ensemble, a highly selective upper-classmen theater company. I have served on student governments and am the treasurer for our school’s International Thespian Society troupe. Outside of school, I have worked at a girls summer camp in Vermont for two years, where I participated in leadership training and a two-week volunteer program on a Suquamish reservation. Other than that, I haven’t been able to be too involved with my community because my school commitments take up most of my time- an average day for me lasts from 7:30 to anywhere between 6:30 and 10:30 at school with no breaks, and I have rehearsals most weekends.
Grades/test scores:
Top 10% of my class
In National Honors and NHSHSS
UW 3.8, W 4.5
ACT: 29 (taking it again after having done prep courses, so score will hopefully go up a few points)
SAT: 1320 (see above)
4 on AP Eng. Lang.

I had an on campus interview that went extremely well, I talked about my future at CC as well as my experience at an arts school, the interviewer seemed to genuinely like me and believe that I was a good fit for CC. Knowing that the essays are a crucial part of the application, I have been working on multiple drafts for the past month.

I know this is a lot (thank you to anyone who actually reads all of it!) but I really love CC and want an honest opinion of my chances and what I would need to change to be accepted!

I think that it is hard to predict. My oldest had stats somewhat similar to yours, although it is hard to compare directly since WGPA is computed so differently at different schools and essays can’t be compared. Her SAT was a bit stronger. She did not have the drama / thespian experience, but did have a VERY strong music background and strong academics. Colorado College was the only school that she applied to and did NOT get in.

I think that you have a chance, but you definitely should have other options including matches and safeties.

I think that it is hard to predict. My oldest had stats somewhat similar to yours, although it is hard to compare directly since WGPA is computed so differently at different schools and essays can’t be compared. Her SAT was a bit stronger. She did not have the drama / thespian experience, but did have a VERY strong music background and strong academics. Colorado College was the only school that she applied to and did NOT get in.

I think that you have a chance, but you definitely should have other options including matches and safeties.

Will you be requesting need based financial aid? If so be sure to run the net price calculator so that you have a good idea of how much financial aid they would provide.

If you feel CC is for sure your number one choice I hope you consider applying ED since your commitment to attend if acceptance helps increase admissions chances. If, however, you need to compare financial aid packages with other schools (including/especially those that offer merit money) you should apply EA. Either way you sound like an interesting candidate with your performing arts background, good luck with your application!

Colorado College accepts a much higher percentage from the ED pool than from the RD pool, so unless you’ll need to compare financial aid offers, ED is your best bet. You can take the ACT after you send it your application and the new score will be added; my daughter did this and it was seamless.

CC has become quite competitive for EA and ED rounds as well. My best advice is to really make your supplemental essays shine and show your passions and understanding of what make the college unique. The essays are an important part of the application.