chances for columbia college ED please

<p>Korean female ~ senior attending a public magnet high school in Maryland
planning on majoring in neuroscience</p>

<p><b>GPA</b>: 3.83 UW/4.33 W, aiming for a 4.0 for first quarter senior year
~senior course load~
AP Spanish Lang, AP Psych, AP Lit, AP Human Geography, multivariable calculus/differential equations, research project/optics, marine bio/materials science, biochem/origins of mathematics</p>

<p><b>PSAT</b>: 225, (possible chance that i'll qualify for semifinalist... but MD's cutoff score is so high usually)
<b>SAT</b>: M 800 C 800 W 720 (took twice)
<b>SAT IIs</b>: Math II 780, World History 730, Bio M 710 (do these scores hurt my chances?)
<b>APs</b>: AP Calc BC 5 AP Lang 5 AP Bio 5 AP World 4</p>

<p><b>School Extracurriculars</b>
1) JV/Varsity Field Hockey: 9-12, captain 10th grade
2) NCSSSMST 2007 planning committee: 10-12, we're helping plan/hold a national magnet school conference that will be held in the VA/DC area, hosted by Thomas Jefferson High School
3) ICARE: 11-12, a group trying to raise cancer awareness in the community
4) Spanish Honor Society: 11-12
5) National Honor Society: 11-12
6) MagPi: 12, senior group that mentors magnet freshmen</p>

<p><b>Out of school Extracurriculars</b>
1) AWANA: 7-12, 5th grade teacher
2) Piano: Kindergarten-12, various awards
3) Art: 9-10 & 12</p>

1) 2007 National DNA Day Essay Contest-<b>Finalist</b>
2) 2005 Maryland State Music Teachers Association Piano Solo Festival-<b>Third Place</b>
3) 2005 MD division of the Junior Federal Duck Stamp Competition-<b>Honorable Mentions</b></p>

<p><b>Work experience</b>
1) 2007 Summer intern at the National Institutes of Health-National Human Genome Research Institute</p>

<p>(sorry it's so long and i know these can be annoying, but please tell me my chances?)</p>

<p>i would love to go to columbia, and so any input about my chances of getting accepted would be really really appreciated</p>

<p>ok, sat1 is great, sat 2 are good except bio, considering you want to do neuroscience a higher score would help (although the AP score offsets this). The research involvement is great, and that i think will make the difference for you. your ECs are good, nothing great, you should get in ED, but i can see you possibly getting a differal also.</p>

<p>in lieu of all the other chance threads popping up here, i have revived my own thread. any input would be really appreciated!</p>

<p>some edits to my stats-
GPA weighted: 4.61 (4.33 was a strange typo...)
additional awards: $1000 Leestma piano scholarship, nat'l merit semifinalist, ap scholar w/ honor
Community service: 277 hours
Recs: one (bio, genetics, marine bio teacher) should definitely be brilliant and personal, other (10th/11th grade english teacher) i'm not so sure about</p>

<p>this doesn't change much, it helps chances a little from where they were, i wouldn't really change my description of your chances</p>

<p>and i hate to vouch for imprecision, but do not mention that you did 277 hours of commservice. it's too precise, they'll think you counted every single hour for the sake of counting, 280 is better or just round to 300.</p>

<p>confidentialcoll, thanks for your response! (forgot to thank you the first time you commented, sorry)</p>

<p>^lol, no prob :)</p>