Chances for EA?

I’m graduating high school a year early, so technically I’m a junior, but this is my last year of high school. I got a 32 on ACT, 3.96 UW GPA and I’m taking AP Calc, AP Chem, AP Gov, AP English and French III this year. I’m getting A’s in all of them, so my mid year report will most likely be all A’s. I took Accelerated Pre Calc last year and accelerated Algebra II freshman year. For ECS
1 year Freshman Volleyball
1 year Tennis Varsity
1 year Golf Varsity
3 years Model United Nations
1 year Student Senate
3 years of Language Mentorship (teaching little kids French)
1 year of Astra (service club)
My essay was pretty strong, all about a huge personal achievement on my bike, and as for recs, I asked three teachers and my boss, so I’d say those are strong. I applied EA, what do you think??

Oh ya dog your good

Not even a question. You’ll get in. You silly goose