Chances for ED? A penny for your thoughts

<p>School of 1500 people.
Top 5% of Class (don’t know exact rank),
3.91 Unweighted
2250 on SAT’s (780 CR 670 M 800 W)
SAT II: U.S. History 800 Literature 690 (retaking in October)</p>

<p>Schedule Junior Year: AP Language, AP U.S. History. AP Environmental Science, Spanish 5/6 Honors, Newspaper, and Statistics.</p>

<p>Schedule Senior Year: AP Biology, AP Government, AP Spanish, AP Literature, Painting and Drawing Newspaper Class, Economics, </p>

<p>EC’s: Tennis team for two years (couldn’t play beacuse of injury this year) and managing the girls varsity this year,
Managing Editor (2nd in Command) for award winning newspaper,
summer foreign exchange to England,
32 hours volunteer work with disabled children, 70 hours of volunteering at archaeological firm in southern England,
traveled all over the world (Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Croatia, Honduras, Italy, France, South Africa, England etc.)
Demetrius and Peter Quince in a legitimate production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream,
I am in Youth and Government and got my bill on smoking passed in Committee, than the Assembly and Senate. Going to get a leadership position this year.
Ultimate Frisbee Club 4 years, president this year, 3rd and 5th place in California. </p>

<p>I am a very good writer so I expect my essay to be good.
Please post honest responses, thanks so much</p>


<p>Your post is impressive but boring. Try and be more interesting in your essays at least…</p>

<p>it wasn’t meant to be interesting. anyone else?</p>

<p>I’m not sure how much the foreign things will help you, considering you had to pay to do them, especially the travelling across the world</p>

<p>i definitely agree with you on that point, since it wasn’t a selective program or anything, but i want to emphasize the incredible difficulty of self-coordinating a trip to a place like england. i actually went through a program called Greenheart Travel, and it took a lot of effort to find a place that would let americans go to england since we both speak english. (going to england has been a lifelong dream) and i didnt want to shell out 5000 for some lame oxford program. chances?</p>

<p>Numbers look good. EC’s are fine. Just make sure to a) Write excellent essays and b) Do not overemphasize things. Your chances look good to me, based on the numbers. But it does look a little bit un-unique. Let your app speak for itself and supplement it with essays, besides that, it’s the roll of some dice.</p>