Chances for ED

<p>Hi, im applying for ED jhu.. plz tell me if i have any chance at all, ty</p>

<p>Im going for Neuroscience as a major and planetary sciences as a minor</p>

SAT: 2010
Math: 800
Writing: 680 (Essay: 10)
Reading: 530
(I took the SAT again in october.. im hoping my reading go up by a lot)
SATII Math IIC: 800
SATII Chemistry: 720
SATII US History: 640
GPA: 3.69/4.00 uw
Rank: 16/243
AP US History: 3
AP Chemistry: 4</p>

Bronze Award in URI Chemistry Competition (State competition)
Recipient of Salve Regina Book Award
National Spainsh Exam Participant (2 years)
President's List
High Honors</p>

Cross Country (4 years)
Indoor/Outdoor Track (4 years)
Math Team (3 years)
Academic Decathlon (1 year)
Robotics (1 year)
Ambassador's Club (1 year)
Marching Band 1st Clarinet (4 years)
Concert Band 1st Clarinet (4 years)
Attended Harvard Summer Program (over the summer 2008)
Science Olympiad (1 year)
National Honor Society (2 years)
Spanish National Honor Society (3 years)</p>

i worked for bunch of places... came out to be 128 hours</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
Paul's Epistles (my school is catholic)
AP Physics C
English 4 Honors</p>

<p>As for my gpa, it gradually went down from my freshman year to my senior year but i gradually took harder classes (more aps) every year, so i hope that counts for something.</p>

<p>I think you definitely have the potential for admission to JHU. Looking at your stats, you look like a really well rounded candidate with some really strong extra-curriculars. Your application also gives the impression that you have pursued your own personal interests. </p>

<p>One thing that struck me as negative about these activities though is that you don't have many leadership roles, so you might want to suggest how you participated in these different organizations to show that you do in fact have leadership potential. </p>

<p>As for your SAT score, right now you are at an extreme disadvantage with "average" scores in Critical Reading and a strong, but not amazing Writing score. If you can improve these scores (writing into the 700's and Critical Reading at/around 630-650) I think you do stand a good chance. One thing that I would stress to you though is the importance of you informing them of your unique program choices, which might give you an edge. Also, your essay is going to have to be pretty outstanding. </p>

<p>With a few minor improvements, you could be JHU's ideal candidate. So yes, I think this is the perfect range of school for you to be applying to ED. Good luck!</p>

<p>thank you so much for replying. yes im really hoping to get 700+ on writing and at least 600+ on reading. JHU supplement essay requires me to write about why i chose neuroscience and planetary science anyway, so i could explain about that there. other than that, i think i did the best i could.. im just hoping for the best</p>

<p>good luck!</p>


Woodwind Section Leader in Marching Band</p>

<p>SAT Superscore: Reading 550
Math 800
Writing 710 (Essay 11)</p>

<p>your reading score is still a tad low, but you have a solid writing score!</p>

<p>I wish you the best of luck. I will be applying ED too :D</p>

<p>thx, you too</p>

<p>i just got an award Academic All-State Cross Country… hope it helps lol</p>

<p>well…jhu dont use 2400 scale, they use 1600 scale. and according totheir may2008 stats, their mid 50% percentile said 660+ reading 690+ math or 1350+ out of1600</p>

<p>They don’t count writing? that’s weird, because on their writing scores are listed.</p>

<p>yeah… thats what i thought too but john birney or w.e came to my school and told us.</p>

<p>well, I guess that helps me.</p>

<p>well im sure hoping you have a good shot becuse your stats seem verry similar ot mine lol. you have certain things that i dont and i have a few that you dont but overall we seem like a pretty good match for each other haha. good luck! and here are my stats incase ya wanted to see them</p>

<p>4 days for ED applicants!!!</p>

<p>User Name: Rafee2k9
Gender: M - Asian (Bangladesh)
Location: Waldorf, MD
College Class Year: 2013
High School: Public
High School Type: First graduating class so we don’t know how many will go to top schools.</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.83
GPA - Weighted: 4.33
Class Rank: top 5 students
Class Size: 515</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 730
SAT I Critical Reading: 600
SAT I Writing: 670
SAT II Math Level 1 (IC): 650
SAT II Biology - M: 690</p>

<p>AP Scores:
US History - 3
World History - 3
Biology - 3
Language and Composition - 3
Statistics - 4</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Biotechnology Course - Had to apply to school’s 3 year biotechnology course along with other students from across the county.
Drama - Primary roles in two plays and host of talent show
Math Tea
Leadership positions: Started school’s first chapter of Model UN.
Vice President of Thesbian Society
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Football (2 years) - Freshman and JV
Indoor Track (4 years) - Varsity
Outdoor Track (4 years) - Varsity</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work: </p>

<p>Volunteered at Civista Medical Center as a central sterile processing technician (120 hrs.)
Volunteered in cleaning and maintaining a state forest.</p>

<p>Worked at my parents’ Ledo Pizza for 6 hours a week on average since 2006.</p>

<p>Honors and Awards:
• National Ben Carson Scholarship Award.
• Consecutive Principal’s Honor Roll (4.0 GPA or above) since 1st quarter of freshman year.
• Consistently met the criteria for Scholars Course of Study since middle school.
• Fourth of 514 students in North Point High School Class of 2009.
• Academic Excellence (4.0 GPA or above for 3 quarters) – 2006, 2007, 2008.
• One of five gentlemen on the 2008 North Point High School Prom Court.
• Selected as a judge for the 5th grade science fair in January, 2008 at William A. Diggs Elementary school and selected finalists along with a group of members.
• AP Scholar award.
• Selected as one of five students from Charles County to participate and give feedback on educational policies in the 2008 What Counts forum for the Charles County Board of Education.
• State qualifier for 110m high hurdles in 2007 outdoor track and field season.
• Indoor and outdoor track varsity letters earned.
• Academic letter earned.
• Maryland Athletic Association Scholar Athlete Award – 3.25 GPA or better while performing in:
o Freshman and junior varsity football (2005, 2006)
o Indoor track (2006, 2007, 2008)
o Outdoor track (2006,2007, 2006)</p>

<p>Colleges of Interest:</p>

<p>College: Johns Hopkins University, Choice #: 1, ED/EA: Yes, Athlete: Yes, Legacy: No, Status: Applied/Pending</p>

<p>how did the ED result go mephistomaster99?</p>