Chances for Engineering Blinn Bryan

i am currently in review for the engineering academy at blinn bryan… here are my stats

— i am top quarter… i have taken 13 IB classes in a super rigorous high school, in state
— 29 ACT, 30 english, 34 math, 31 stem
— good essays( i changed states so i talked about that and my influence my dad had on me… hes an engineer from Albania)
— 500 job shadowing hours( my uncle is a senior engineer at Aetna), co president of rocket club, stu co-president freshmen year, engineering club, comp sci club, NHS, N french HS, over 300 volunteer and service hours( homeless shelters, peer tutoring, municipal teen court volunteer

if i dont get the academy i will be truly heartbroken :((((( i am extremely stressful right now because i told my family i got in — although that doesnt seem like it