Chances for GWU Elliott ED?

Male. Upper Middle Class. Hispanic. Florida

Fluent Spanish and English

3.22 UW 3.77 W (5.05 W 1st Quarter senior year with 4 APs)

29 ACT

800 Spanish Subject Test

4’s on AP Spanish Lit, AP Gov, AP Spanish Lang

Honor Roll but not in NHS or any other honors like that

EC’s relate to what I want to study ( international volunteer service, model congress, student gov), along with band, soccer, tennis, wrestling

Really strong recommendations

Strong essay and supplement (talk about my own diversity and my diverse perspective by teaching a blind guy how to play the piano)

I have decent test scores and strong essays, EC’s, and recommendations, but my GPA is very low compared to the average at GWU. However, my GPA has an upward trend along with rigor.

Do I have a chance, especially through early decision?

You’ve got a chance for Elliott, but it’s a slim one, I’m afraid. You’re right- your GPA is quite a bit lower than those typically accepted to the Elliott School, but if your grades do show an upward trend… who knows.

If there’s any possibility you might be interested in another program at GW I’d recommend applying to that one, as well. There’s always a chance that you can transfer-in to the Elliott School later, especially if you do great work your first year or two.

My freshman year was very bad but without it I would have a 3.6 UW. I know I’m a stretch for sure, but I’ve visited campus, emailed the representative, applied ED, and can afford the school. Plus I know a few people who have gotten accepted in the past with lower grades but the same ACT. GPA doesn’t matter imo, since ive gotten A’s and B’s in a very challenging school. Some kids here get those grades at subpar schools.

Well, grades do matter, but they’re not everything. GW likes to talk about looking at the “overall picture” of an applicant to gauge their fit. As long as someone has other traits that make-up for a below-average GPA, it’s possible.

What school is competitive from least to greatest? I heard the public health one is impossible to get in as a freshman, and business is the easiest? Also, having trouble picking a major. I seem poly sci according to my resume but want to major in bio/any science. Help! Also looking into business administration in hospitals if that helps with my poly sci/economics looking app

Elliott for sure @physics007