Chances at GW Elliott ED?

Hey guys! I’m probably going to be applying to GW’s Elliott School of International Affairs this fall!I also want to double major in poli sci! I was just wondering what do you think my chances are, and also my chances of receiving a merit scholarship?

GPA: 4.05
SAT: 1360 (retaking twice before application)
US History: 740
Lit: 750

My school caps AP’s at three per year, that’s why I have so few
-AP World History: 4
-AP US Gov: 5
-AP Writing:5
Also taking AP Comparative Gov, AP Lit, and AP Statistics this year

-Varsity crew team fall winter and spring seasons, 9-12

  • Volunteer at local homeless shelter, 10-12
    -Volunteer at school nurse’s office, 11-12
    -Fellow of a competitive program for public service, interned at a local public officials office as well as met with local, state and federal officials
  • Participant in Social Justice Institute at local homeless shelter 11
  • Officer of women’s leadership club, 11-12
  • Member of mental health awareness club, 9-12
    -Member of Model UN club, 10-12
    -Member of Students Advocating for Gender Equality,10-12
    -Plan on volunteering on local election campaign, 12

-National Honor Society, 11-12
-National Latin Exam Silver Medalist, 9-10
-Award at local Model UN conference, 11
-AP Scholar, 11

My teacher recommendations are most likely going to be very strong, from my US Gov and English teacher, and I might be getting a supplemental recommendation from the public official I’m interning for, who’s also a GW alum.

I go to a very prestigious public school in Boston and we don’t do class ranks but I’m probably in the top 10% of my class

Thank you so much all!

First and foremost, THANK YOU FOR SPELLING “Elliott” CORRECTLY!!! This is a pet peeve of mine. Some of my classmates still get this wrong and it looks really unprofessional.

Anyways, you’ve got as good of a chance as anybody!!! Your GPA is great, your ECs are good, and the model UN will be huge, as GW loves people who have ECs that align with their intended field of study. Ideally, your SAT should be a 1400+, but in your case you should be fine regardless if your score goes up or not.

I’m a current undergrad Elliott school student. So if you’ve got any questions about Elliott or GW feel free to ask me

Hope to see you on campus in a year! Great choice on choosing Elliott :slight_smile:

Yes!!! I’d love to chat about Elliott! I’m really excited about GW I really hope I get in I’ve visited it twice and absolutely fell in love with the school both times!

Awesome I’m glad for you and am rooting for you. Feel free to shoot me a message if you’ve got any questions or just wanna chat about GW and The Elliott School.