Chances for Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, UC Berkley, Carnegie Mellon, Caltech, Yale.

<p>You put virtually all of us to shame. </p>

<p>Back when I was a peppy,optimistic parent who was sure that her special kid was going to get into any college that she wanted, I would have said that you wouldn’t even need to bother to apply…the colleges would come to you and compete to get you. Then…well, then I joined CC…and now i am a grizzled, cynical realist…in only 7 short months. LOL.
My first eye-opener was in my 4th week here when a kid who had a 2400 on his SAT (one sitting), national awards in something I can’t remember, and had ridden his bike alone across Canada (and Canada is a big country :slight_smile: to raise $180,000 for childhood cancer research…and he was rejected outright from Harvard…not even deferred. I mean, what? So, yes dear OP…you are great…but there are no givens in the world of Ivys…</p>

<p>I’d say that, as long as you have credentials in the range of what you have, you have a chance at an HYPSM school, and certainly a shot at the other ivies and the little ivies. Your other schools should be no problem for you. Chance me back? <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Damn bro, that’s a lot of APs.
I’d say you have a good to high chance of getting into CMU and Berkeley. The rest are reaches (same goes for everyone) but I wouldn’t be surprised to see you get accepted to most of them. Chance back please!!!</p>

<p><a href=“I'll chance back!!!!! - #9 by BeXC300 - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums”>I'll chance back!!!!! - #9 by BeXC300 - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums;

<p>My praise, however well-deserved, won’t help you. Here are four criticisms:</p>

<li><p>How could a 2x USAJMO qualifier, math team officer planning to take linear algebra and differential equations possibly get a B+ in precalculus?</p></li>
<li><p>Maybe you’re good at math, but I don’t see passion. You need passion to get accepted into MIT (et alia).</p></li>
<li><p>You’re going to need good essays and good LoRs. Don’t assume your stats will get you accepted to these schools, because they won’t.</p></li>
<li><p>Why on earth did you re-take an SAT II Bio of 770? That’s indicative of one thing, and one thing only: you are too test-focused. Given the AP/EC rate, I’m willing to guess that you have spent the majority of your high-school years preparing yourself for college admissions.</p></li>

<p>So, without further ado, here are your chances, from my perspective:</p>

<p>Harvard: Low Reach
Stanford: Reach
MIT: High Reach
Columbia: Low Reach
UC Berkeley: Low Match
Carnegie Mellon: Match (SCS is reach.)
Caltech: High Reach</p>

<h2>Yale: Low Reach</h2>

<p>Please don’t take this the wrong way, but if I were the admissions counselor at any of these schools (besides Berkeley), I would probably reject you, and here’s why: you have spent your entire high school life taking classes and participating in activities for the primary purpose of impressing colleges. Instead of doing things you love, you have taken a plethora of AP exams (don’t try to tell me you love them).</p>

<h2>Unless you can explain your course schedule and activities through your essays, you are little more than a robot that has spent four years working on a few college applications. So, ask yourself, “What do I really love to do?” Then do it.</h2>

<p>OK, that was really harsh, and perhaps a little exaggerated. But here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter whether I’m right or wrong about you. All that matters is that the adcoms don’t see things the way I did, and, judging from the MIT blogs, some of them probably will.</p>

<p>Good luck! You truly do have amazing stats, even if I question the motivation behind them.</p>

<p>Trust me compared to my friends I’ve spent far less time working. I also hope colleges won’t bear too much into my B+ as an (obviously immature) 8th grader, I’m far more concerned with my B- or so in ap Lang comp as a junior (and the downward trend). And why shouldn’t I take courses in high school for $89 instead of in college at $4000 (not to mention the time). But maybe it might be smart for me not to send in all my ap scores and look too robotic. I’ve also felt that I took too many AP’s perhaps. It goes without saying essays and letters of recommendations are vital. Really the only part of your analysis that I don’t understand is why you put the more technological science schools as bigger reaches than the liberal arts schools? Especially MIT which I think places a lot of importance on math. But thanks for the assessment, much of what you said are my worries.</p>

<p>@theanaconda: Actually, Caltech would probably be a reach/low reach. However, MIT really looks for passion and interest in your application–they want extremely unique individuals. What do you really, really like to do?</p>

<p>Also, if you want to get credit for your AP scores, you should check with the colleges you are applying to. I know at least Caltech doesn’t give any AP credit.</p>

<p>Sounds like I’ll have to spend a lot of time to carefully do my mit application. MIt said it takes physics c and math, but I think at most schools they let you test out of classes (not for credit but exemption). I’ve heard introductory classes (similar to ap’s) can be brutal in their grading and are a waste of time. Furthermore, even though my parents can likely afford college (around 200K income), they’d rather not pay unless it’s really a top notch college like mit or stanford, and I agree with them. So at safety schools which are more likely to give aid i think i have better chances at getting credit. Several of my friends who are going to their safety schools are getting tons of credits for ap’s an college classes though I think I took more. </p>

<p>So should I not send it all my ap scores and sat II scores to not look too robotic?</p>

<p>You have a super solid application! Your test scores are incredible. Cal and CMU are matches for you. Show passion in your essays, and you will have a very very good shot at the other schools you are applying to. You are definitely a very qualified applicant. Good luck, and thanks for chancing me!</p>

<p>@DiscipulusBonus‌ I have no idea where you got those chances from, but I disagree with some of your classifications for colleges. You are implying roughly that Harvard and Stanford would be easier to get into with these stats than MIT. I think they are comparable knowing all my friends who have similar achievements as well as RSI, SuMAC, SSP, MITES, etc… Many were waitlisted/reject from Harvard, while admitted to MIT.</p>

<p>However, @theanaconda‌ , while I disagree with some of the chances provided, you still have a solid shot at all of the colleges. Furthermore, did you qualify for USAMO, typically, colleges prefer to see an upward trend.</p>

<p>Your chances are very good. My daughter’s stats were similar and she got into all six of the schools she applied to. Your math competition stats are way better than her’s. She got into HYPMS and Northwestern. Her essays were witty and she had excellent summer camps.</p>

<p>DeniseS remember that your daughter has a hook, she’s female going for a STEM program, that practically doubles or triples your chances. With top grades and scores but no hook you are more likely to get in top state schools like Berkley and UMich. The overwhelming numbers are just against you unless you are from rural state, nationally ranked at a sport, a legacy, a URM, or have some different talent a college needs. It’s not to say you wont get in based solely on academic achievement, it’s just a much, much lower probability.</p>

<p>@currymaster420‌ no I choked hard and missed USAMO making like 40 points worth of silly mistake. My index was pretty low at 194 as well. I hope to do well at arml to sort of make up for it and I did get 4th at nysml (NY’s version of it) this year.</p>

<p>@KathleenA‌ looks like the biggest thing I could work on is not being an Asian (Indian) male. :wink: </p>

<p>does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do at this point (other than write good essays)? I am likely applying for intel but I think that comes after college apps are due. From the feedback I’ve gotten hypsm are all likely reaches. I’m pretty interested in columbia and brown as secondary top schools. Would those also be reaches. </p>

<p>Columbia and Brown are automatically reach-for-everyone schools.</p>

<p>The suggestion would be to make sure that you have a 100% certain admission safety that you are 100% sure that you can afford and that you are 100% sure that you would like to attend. Find that before you look for more reach schools.</p>

<p>I’m probably cutting some of these schools out. Likely to apply to 5-6 ivy’s or near ivy’s, 3 matches, and 3 safeties. Would case western be a safety for me or would it come as a match ( I don’t feel that it’s a reach). And could I additionally put uc berkley as a high match? </p>

<p>Any suggestions on what I could improve?</p>

<p>I don’t really think it is fair to call any Ivy League or school like MIT a “match”. No matter what, it will be a reach due to the high selectivity. But do you have a great shot? Yes indeed! This is impressive, but then again, you probably already know that lol. Keep it up!</p>