Chances for Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, UC Berkley, Carnegie Mellon, Caltech, Yale.

<p>Female in engineering doesn’t help too much. Can’t possibly “double or triple your chances”…</p>

<p>I’m afraid that I don’t have enough EC’s or volunteering hours. Should I volunteer for around 30-40 hours in the summer again (will be hard with the full time internship)? </p>

<p>UCB and CMU are your safeties. I think the others are easily matches for you as well.</p>

<p>Try sharing your passion, whatever it is, with others, teaching is the best way to do so. Remem, MIT wants students who can change the world, not necessarily finding a cure to cancer, but tutoring a couple of students changes the world. This from their site btw. Ur grades are good,but remem, no matter wat, someone will always look better academically.</p>

<p>Some more things have fallen in place. I was not elected as an officer for science Olympiad. I also did not get into the orchestra it auditioned for. On recent sat practices my scores are ranging from 2310-2360 and I have still have some review on vocab and such I’ll do which might raise my score so instead of 2250-2350 I’m expecting closer to 2300-2400 tending to the lower side. Any safety school suggestions (looking for merit aid, grade inflation, decent strength biology program). Lastly, should I mention on my application that I got a score of 9.5/25 on the f=ma test or is it better for colleges to assume I didn’t take it than to see the low score (I was hoping to make the 2nd round).</p>

<p>You’re pretty solid for all your choices. That being said, admissions are always a bit random at the top schools. I am sure you will get into at least one Ivy!</p>

<p>The general impression has been that berkeley is a high match for me, but I didn’t state that I’ll apply (wasn’t as sure then) for EECS there. What would the chances for Berkeley be now?</p>

<p>I additionally made tiebreakers at American Region Mathematics League (9/10) today and won a 60K scholarship to RPI as a math/science award from my school. </p>

<p>I might possibly get a C+ in english, am I basically screwed for any top college?</p>

<p>As it stands right now, I think you’re chances for HYPMS are about the same as everyone else’s. Your stats are amazing and your AP’s are incredible (especially how many you have taken). Also the fact that you have played volleyball for four years will help shape your app into a more well rounded one. However, you are lacking leadership and I think that that will hurt you and there’s nothing that really stood out to me that might make you stand out to the adcoms. From your post I couldn’t really tell what your passion is and if I cant tell them the Adcoms probably wont be able to tell either (although you will have essays for that to help). But my advice would be to start something at your school (like a club or organization) based around maybe math or science and try to have an impact on your community. Everything I have learned about admissions has told me that these schools want kids who will change the world, not just study for a lot of exams. I think if you write some really good essays and play a big role at your school for senior year your chances will improve and you just might get into one or even a few of those schools. Good luck and thanks for chancing me!</p>

<p>Your application is simply scintillating. I would say you have an excellent shot at all these schools- that being said, HPY and Stanford are crapshoots for most people. I’d still say you have a really good shot at these schools. No doubt you will get fantastic scholarships from state schools. </p>

<p>looks good chance me?
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;
:slight_smile: :)>- </p>

<p>I think you are wasting too much time on CC. :)</p>

<p>So I did fine on the sat (780CR 800M 780W), managed a B- in English, but unfortunately got an A- in
Spanish. My UW gpa (which is all our school provides) is 3.92. Our school doesn’t rank, but gives a school profile to colleges and it shows the gpa of the top 10% ( essentially telling whether I’m in the top 10% or not) and there’s a good chance the top 10% gpa will be slightly higher than mine (just .01higher). Looking at some selective schools, it seems as though over 95% of all accepted students including hooked ones and ones from extremely competitive schools like Exeter and Andover were in the top
10% of their class. Is this a deal-breaker for me?</p>

<p>I think you look really good. You have great EC’s and awards and fabulous test scores. I think the only thing that might hold you back from some schools is that there are other very talented math/science students who also have other strong interests and recognition, be it business, athletics, etc, which you seem to be lacking. That being said, I would say that you have great chances at all of those schools. </p>