Chances for HPME

<p>Hey guys. My dream has always been to become a doctor. I will give any information that will help.</p>

<p>White/Male/Junior </p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
SAT: Taking Soon
SAT II: Bio-780 Chem-770 Math II-took May Physics- took May
Completed AP classes- chem, english, euro, physics
PLanned APs for next year: Bio, BC Calc, English, Stat, Econ (Micro/Macro)
(I taught myself physics just to take Ap physics my junior year)
I have been in my school's research class for my three years of high school.
Also I'm taking a language all 4 years which i think is good.</p>

Researched on Tuberous Sclerosis at NYU for a summer
Multiple ******** school awards
Won 2nd place and people's choice award (people chose for what they thought was the best) Stony Brook Protein Challenge
Participated in DuPont Essay Challenge
Participated in LISEF (Long island science and engineering fair)
About to submit to Siemens
Won an award at Long Island Science Congress (Participated in 2 years straight)
National Honors Society
Foreign Language Honors Society
JV Baseball and Volleyball
School Newspaper
Volunteer at my local temple
Helping at Chabad
Worked as a cashier one summer
Accepted to the Johns Hopkins Summer University (Taking Computer integrated surgery and Introduction to Neuroscience)</p>

<p>After seeing other posts on this site i feel like my chances at getting into my top choices are unlikely. I am also looking at Tufts, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, UPenn, UMiami, Washington University in St. Louis, Princeton, Bucknell, and a bunch of medical programs.</p>

<p>In at U Miami, no question. Apply early action for a shot at the top merit scholarship awards (Singer/Stamps).</p>

<p>Agree - stats alone easily get accepted to UM. Curious what you mean by “…I feel like my chances at getting into my top choices are unlikely…” Do you mean that UM isn’t really a top choice, because any bit of research here would have told you UM would be a “safe” school for you…</p>

<p>Guys - he’s talking about getting into the 7 year med program (HPME). It’s very competitive, only around 15 a year I believe, get in. My son looked into it, and met with the admissions counselor on one of our visits. What she told us they look for is experience in some medical capacity. They said that everyone who applies has extremely high grades and test scores, but the ones who get in have some experience.</p>

<p>Hizzy, it looks like you have some good experience, so I’d think you have a shot. It’s just so competitive, it’s hard to predict.</p>