Chances for Ivies and other Top Schools?


<li>SAT I: 2250 (790 Math, 750 Reading, 710 Writing)</li>
<li>ACT: None</li>
<li>SAT II: 780 Bio M, 800 Chem, 800 Math II, 800 Physics</li>
<li>Unweighted GPA (out of 100): ~98, maybe about 104-105 weighted (honors classes in 9th and 10th grade get 1.06, IB classes in 11th and 12th get 1.1).</li>
<li>Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Class does not rank, but in top 5 of a class of 600</li>
<li>AP (place score in parenthesis): Biology (5), Computer Science A (5)</li>
<li>IB (place score in parenthesis): Computer Science SL (5)</li>
<li>Senior Year Course Load: IB HL Math, IB HL History, IB HL Physics, IB HL English, IB SL Spanish, AP Statistics, Orchestra</li>
<li>Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Siemens Competition Semifinalist, (most likely) National Merit Semifinalist, possibly Intel and Siemens again, named the best in math in county, qualified for AIME twice and scored a 6 once (one away from USAMO that year... damn)</li>


<li>Extracurriculars (place leadership / awards in parenthesis): Computer Club (President), Math Team (1st place team for 3 years), Quiz Bowl (Captain), Engineering Competition (2nd place nationally in 10th grade, semifinalist in 11th), Science Olympiad (VP, 1st place in a category in state competition), Varsity Tennis Team (County Champions in 10th) Math Honor Society (President), Science Honor Society (VP), Spanish Honor Society, English Honor Society, History Honor Society, National Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Chamber Orchestra [The Science Honor Society and Math Honor Society were cut last year, I helped to organize fundraisers over the summer to bring them back]</li>
<li>Job/Work Experience: None</li>
<li>Volunteer/Community service: Research Volunteer for two summers at University, Volunteer as ball boy at various tennis tournaments, Engineering competition aids a preson with disabilities in the community, tutoring for honor societies</li>
<li>Summer Activities: 9th: CTY, 10th/11th: Research</li>
<li>Essays: Solid</li>
<li>Recommendations: One From either research teacher or math teacher (will be excellent either way), one from history teacher (will be solid), one from research professor (will be very good)</li>


<li>State (if domestic applicant): NY</li>
<li>Country (if international applicant): US</li>
<li>School Type: Public</li>
<li>Ethnicity: Asian</li>
<li>Gender: M</li>
<li>Income Bracket: Mid-High</li>


University of Pennsylvania
Johns Hopkins (legacy, father)
Carnegie Mellon
UC Berkeley


<p>I had you pegged as an asian before I even read the first three lines of your post.</p>

<p>In all likelihood, you will be accepted to several of these schools. I’m not worried for you in the slightest.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention that I’m also part of the Columbia SHP…
And by several of these schools, do you mean the ones on the bottom? Or many in the middle/top too?</p>

<p>you’ll get in to hopkins, carnegie mellon, umich, & uchicago for sure</p>

<p>cornell & berkeley - maybe</p>

<p>the others, no one knows with these schools, but you definitely will not be put into the “instant rejection” pile… not quite sure with harvard, princeton, yale, & stanford though - you ARE asian, and your SATs are low for these schools.</p>

<p>I think the OP is in at Berkeley.</p>

<p>UMich, UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Johns Hopkins, UChicago, CalTech: definitely eye level</p>

<p>MIT, Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia: medium reach</p>

<p>Dartmouth, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell: low reach</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK! Your extracurriculars are amazing! My only suggestion would be to try and improve your SAT score (seeing as your entering a very competitive applicant pool).</p>

<p>I too am part of the Columbia SHP. But, does that play a role in admissions? Particularly to Columbia?</p>



<p>You will likely be accepted to several of the “bottom” schools on your list, and I would be surprised if you weren’t accepted to at least one of HYPSM. My advice, don’t put these top schools on a pedestal.</p>

<p>Does the low writing score really play that much of a factor? Because it seems that it’s not as important.</p>

<p>Cornell is a reach but Chicago and CalTech are eye level? </p>

<p>On that topic, my school sends about 10 kids to Cornell each year, and probably about 5 others to better schools.</p>

<p>Your scores are not bad. They are not amazing, but good enough to get in any of these schools. You should get in most of your schools. The top schools are always a reach, but I would say that you have a great shot.</p>



<p>I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Cornell doesn’t even look at your writing score, and your 1540/1600 is comfortably above the 75% mark.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>CalTech will actually be probably be a mid-reach.</p>



<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>MIT Reach for anyone, but solid Chance
Stanford “”
Harvard “”
Princeton “”
Yale “”
Columbia Middle Reach
CalTech High Reach for anyone
UChicago High Match
Dartmouth Reach
University of Pennsylvania High Match
Cornell High Match
Johns Hopkins (legacy, father) Low Match
Carnegie Mellon Match
UC Berkeley Match
UMichigan Low Match</p>

<p>How would those convert into percentages?</p>

<p>Be wary of any advice no more specific than “a reach for everyone.”</p>