Chances for Ivy League and equivalent schools

<p>Take MATH II.</p>

<p>SATs decent, Grades good.</p>

<p>Great rank.</p>

<p>Return the favor, and
Chance back please? =)
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your ACT is below average for Ivies, but will by no means but you out of the running. Everything else is fine.</p>

<p>Chance me: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Haha I’ve already chanced you both. And if my ACT is so low, should I just not send it and only send my SAT?</p>


<p>I wouldn’t say safe at any HSPYM
Your classics background is solid but not astounding. It is one thing to perform well in classics in Texas, Virginia or Florida, quite another in Wisconsin. Performance in the NLE is impressive when you have 4 years in a row of golds, or 4 years in a row of perfects.
I would take the SAT again. Your 231 PSAT is going to raise eyebrows as to why to fell so short of a 2310.
Being and atheist is going to **** more people off than it is going to endear.
Find some things that distinguish you, and write good essays.</p>

<p>I just wanted to mention that being an atheist will not put off anyone. The schools that you are interested in are actually quite liberal, so I highly doubt they’ll condemn you as an atheist.</p>

<p>Metaphy6, the reason I haven’t gotten golds on all of the NLE is because for certamen I have a focus on mythology, rather than language (my school has a relatively weak program for grammar). However, Wisconsin is currently a pretty good state for certamen, seeing as we were second in the nation at advanced, a feat which may actually be improved upon this year. I have a good shot at being on the advanced team, which in turn has a very good shot at being in the finals at nationals. </p>

<p>And I definitely plan on taking the SAT again in October to bump it up. However, is 60 points really going to make that much of a difference?</p>



<p>Ok, so after doing some research, I noticed the Amherst College does not have anyone from Wisconsin in the class of 2013. Would it be to my advantage then to be from Wisconsin?</p>