Chances for Miami, Syracuse, American...

<p>Chance me for University of Miami
American and I guess recommend other schools similar...</p>

<p>Well right now I'm a junior and will graduate next year, but I'd just like to see if I'm on track and whatnot.</p>

<p>unweighted gpa = 3.7
weighted = 4</p>

<p>SAT= Critical Reading- 530
Math- 710
Writing- 740
Total- 1980
I'm taking it again this May, i can almost guarantee a critical reading of 650+</p>

<p>SAT MATH II - 700


<p>Honors classes as well, including 4 years of french</p>

<p>Soccer (9-12)
Golf (11-12)
Rec Basketball (9,11,12)</p>

<p>Volunteer at after school program - 100+ hours
Volunteer at YMCA - 50 hours
Work at day camp (summer 07, 08)
Peer Leadership (12)</p>

<p>French Club, Environmental Club</p>

<p>Various awards and certificates for sports, academics, french</p>

<p>You're at least a match/safety for all of those schools, with an increased CR score. Aim higher, go for NYU, GW, and maybe even some reaches, UVA, Georgetown, etc. Never hurts to apply</p>

<p>See my other posts for my stats/acceptances, as well as my paranoid "what'r my chances" thread 3 years ago.</p>