<p>i'm a junior, asian, female and live in state
GPA uw: 2.97 (freshman +sophomore)
GPA weight: 3.5 (freshman +sophomore)
This year
AP calc,
AP bio,
AP chem,
AP comp sci this year
AP Euro
English H
Spanish H
Predicted SATs (more recent practice test) = ~2200
EC: debate (qualified for states last year and was semi finalist at recent national lvl tournament), Volleyball (2 years of travel club),
I'm interested in engineering (probably chem). If i do well this year (making a theoretical ~3.2 uw GPA and 3.85 weight), what are my odds?</p>
<p>also is it all possible to get into the honors program with my stats (the site said SAT average was 1400 average weighted GPA was 4.2. I can get the SAT score and my GPA is on the lower end but...</p>
<p>That GPA isn’t going to help you at all. Just work on doing well this year. If you get that up, you’re definitely in. You are on the right track, though, for sure.</p>
<p>Right now I would say No to honors especially for engineering and no to gemstone. DS is in honors for International Relations, he graduated with a 3.7 uw/4.1w. I would also say your gpa is very low. I think maybe you are pushing courses before you have them under your belt. I see alot of AP’s, but if the school looks over your transcript and sees all of the AP’s with C’s and no 4/5 on tests they might question why.</p>
<p>I have stated this before don’t put to much into the avg SAT/GPA scores, many times the people who bring that score down are international students.</p>
<p>Goodluck…you still have a long time before applying which means you can get in honors if you pull up the grades.</p>
<p>GPA is low, and I think the university average is far above your unweighted. It’s a interesting school, didn’t know it was so close to Washington D.C.</p>