<p>Chances for Northeastern Honors Program and Business School</p>
<p>White Female from Florida
Private school since 2nd Grade
Ranking: School doesn't rank but I would say top 15%
GPA: 4.0/4.6ish
SAT: 1370/ 2120
SAT II: Math II 660, Spanish 640, US History 600 and taking them again
ACT: 30 but I took it again
Financial Aid: Definitely not getting it.</p>
<p>APs: US History 3 but I'm not planning on sending it and I'm taking four more AP's this year</p>
<p>Junior Year I took 1 AP and 3 Honors as well as Advanced Drama and a Leadership class which involved a 5 Day Leadership canoe trip to the Everglades
Senior Year I am taking: AP Calculus, AP Spanish, AP Economics, AP Language, and Genetics as well as Advanced Drama
5 Aps and around 7 Honors by the time I graduate</p>
Drama (9-12) I do three plays and one musical a year
Spanish Club (9-12)
Junior Varsity Basketball (9,10)
Varsity Softball (10)
Lacrosse (9)
SADD (9-12)
Writing Center Tutor (12)
Basically I help tutor other people's papers
International Thespian Honor Society
National Hispanic Honor Society
National Honor Society</p>
Headmaster's List (Highest) (9-12)
Book Award (highest grade in the class)
Honors Spanish IV-11th Grade
English 11-11th Grade
American Economics/ Government-10th Grade</p>
<p>I also have around 100 hours of community service and I am involved with some other charity work with tutoring.</p>