chances for northwestern early..or chicago, boston college, emory, colgate reg

<p>im a junior right now at stuy, pretty competitive and well known hs</p>

<p>gpa isnt great- probably around a 91.6ish by the end of junior year
however, its been increasing- 89 fresh, 91 soph, 93 junior
my school doesnt rank
SAT- havent taken it yet, but expecting 2150 range
SAT2- only taken chem, 640
Because of my poor sat2 scores, im taking the ACT as well...maybe a 32</p>

Volunteer at Law Office,5 hrs a week
"Explorers" Program at Queen's District Attorney's Office
School Newspaper- Op Ed/Sports
Monthly Writer for Chinese Newspaper
Violin for almost 12 years
Symphonic Orch at school
Interschool Orchestra Of NY member
School Theatrical Productions (2 years, once as band member, once as band director)
Member of school's chapter of Amnesty International, recently started my own chapter of International Justice Mission.</p>

<p>this is an incomplete picture..because i havent finished HS yet.. but</p>

<p>chances at-</p>

<p>NW (medill) early?

<p>nw is a reach.
Uchicago application is a nightmare. They love writers and thinkers.
um rest seem ok.</p>


<p>a d m i s s i o n c h a n c e s . c o m</p>

<p>my courseload is alright,
taking honors us history right now, AP psych, AP spanish
next year, ill probably be taking 3-4 aps
only thing is that, im in an "easier" precalc...bc math isnt my thing.</p>

<p>someone reply ??</p>


<p>Usually you will get better responses when you have real results!</p>

<p>your in iso..sry i know Mr. Worsdale and Eugene Minor(Sadly enough try having him as a director of a musical!) thats right I go to Frenchwoods...Mr. Worsdale conducted every musical i was in and Eugene directed my first musical at camp</p>

<p>batman, its kind of hard to say with whatever stats you posted</p>