<p>I'm a female high school freshman. My ease and passion for math was discovered early on at my school, and last year I became the "guinea pig" for a jump-start program for my school's AP math programs. This program means that this year I am taking both Honors Geometry and Honors Algebra II at the same time. I screwed up first semester of Algebra II (not doing homework and absences from a severe medical problem), and I ended up finishing with an 86, but since it is honors it is still a 4.0 at my school. I finished Geometry with an A, which would make it a 4.5. All other classes were A's, including 2 more honors classes. I haven't taken the SAT yet, but I am in the process of preparing to take it for practice at the next available test date. I came in first place in an area-wide math competition my school hosted last year. I am hoping to attend PROMYS this summer, Mathcamp the following summer, and a summer program at a university the summer after that. </p>
<p>What are my chances of getting into PROMYS or mathcamp???</p>