chances for scholarships?

<p>What do my chances for scholarships look like?</p>

<p>33 ACT
7 AP classes: Biology, Calculus AB, English Language & Composition, Calculus BC, English Literature, Chemistry, Psychology (I took practice AP exams in English and Bio and scored 5 on both)
4.3 GPA
Student Body President
Executive Student Ambassador Council Member
Key Club member
HOBY Ambassador
Varsity Soccer for 2 years, all-district (knee injury)
Varsity Tennis for 2 years, state champions</p>


<p>My son has a Dean’s Scholarship. He had similar stats. It may also be a result of your chosen major. One big key is to get your application in for the early deadline. I think that is Dec. 15?</p>

<p>My son also had similar high school stats and has the Dean’s Scholarship! Terri - I’m guessing the boys know each other! Milton?</p>


<p>My D is looking at TCU. She is a rising senior with similar stats:</p>

<p>35 ACT
4.0 UW GPA
3 APs Jr year; 5 Sr year
NHS/Beta officers two years; membership 4 years
Theatre 4 years
Dance team 3 years
Band 2 years
Peer Mentor 2 years
Choir 1 year</p>

<p>She is interested in Musical Theatre/dance, but possibly Exercise Science/dance and go onto physical therapy school.</p>

<p>Could you guys possibly indicate the amount of Dean’s and/or Chancellor’s? We are hoping for full tuition if at all possible wherever she goes.</p>

<p>Many thanks!</p>

<p>UPDATED TO ADD: Nevermind. I should have done this before posting, but did a search and found info on Dean’s and Chancellor’s… Thanks!</p>