<p>UC's should be easy.
everything else is like a 50/50 chance
i'd say low reach for most</p>
<p>man, you know you pretty much have the max chances imaginable-even if you are Asian.
Good luck!</p>
<p>you guys really make me feel better about myself. But the thing is, I really want a person who actually attends these colleges to chance me, or at least someone who has a realistic view.</p>
<p>Because I mean, I compare myself to others and I don't have all those nifty national awards like Siemens, Intel STS, research competitions, etc. I'm just a local standout I guess.</p>
<p>I don't know, haha.</p>
<p>am i safe enough for UCs, specifically UCB, even if i write mediocre essays? (I hear its all about gpa/SAT)</p>