Chances for the big H

<p>I know I have done this before, but I have updated it</p>

<p>Race- Asian American (family history through India/Pakistan & Africa)
Languages- Urdu, Hindi, Kuchchi, can read Arabic, Spanish Intermediate</p>

<p>GPA - 3.6/4
Rank - 21/282</p>

<p>SAT 1 - 710 cr, 780 m, 750 w 12 essay
SAT II- 780 M2, 720 Chem (estimate), 700 Lit (estimate)</p>

<p>Senior Courseload
- AP Calculus BC
- Honors Physics II
- Creative Writing & Women's Literature
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Biotechnology
- Honors International Relations</p>

- National Honor Society (3 years- the usual)
- Math Team (3 years- go figure)
- Model United Nations
---Page (1st year)
---Delegate for Saudi Arabia (2 years)
---Delegate for Pakistan (1 year)
-------Will Chair the Geneva Convention Committee
- Capitol Forum, Watson Institute Debate, US Foreign Policy- I was on Nuclear Weapons
- Orchestra - Violin (6 years - never got any awards though)
- Vice President- Junior Year
-Kent County Hospital Intern
- URI Biotechnology Intern- studied switchgrass as an alternate fuel source
- Naval Undersea Warfare Center Intern, Division Newport
---Worked in and assisted Unmanned Surface Vehicle Department
- Sales Associate- Staples (summer and school)
- Invisible Children (provide aid to Ugandan Children)
- Visited and assisted orphanages in Kenya (summer)
- SAT Tutor
- Active and helpful member in my Islamic Center</p>

<p>Essays- Main- How I excelled at problem solving- being a doctor
Second- How I have tried to clear misconceptions about Islam through political groups
Third- My family history (I'm not the typical Asian- culture influenced by India Africa and America)
Final- How a family problem made me do poorly in Junior Year (hence m y loe GPA)</p>

<p>I have taken all the hardest courses available</p>

<p>Thank you all</p>

<p>Anyone? Please?</p>

<p>If you mean Harvard, I think you have a shot. But remember, everyone has good scores, so your essays will have to make you stand out.</p>

<p>you're certainly qualified, but just remember, harvard chances threads are almost meaningless: harvard is a reach for everyone and its admissions are relatively random.</p>

<p>You are in the top 10% of your class--a plus.
SATs are well within range--a plus.
ECs- plenty, but maybe not overly special for the H crowd.
Depending on how moving your essays and recommendations are, these could push you into the "second look" pile.
And of course-the competition- are you an international or US resident? Most of the internationals I've seen on the H campus seem to be athletes, or legacies, or winners of amazing academic prizes/competitions. So, find some nice safety schools, because one has to face that stinging acceptance number: 7% Ouch!!
But good luck anyway!</p>

<p>Thank you so much guys. I realize that Harvard chance threads are asking for the impossible. I just want to know if I am not already out of the game.</p>

<p>I am a US Resident. My family history is all over the place though.</p>

<p>Thanks again guys</p>

<p>Does anyone else want to give an opinion</p>

<p>Be mean.</p>

<p>also, fauve could you explain the second look pile. Is it the people that are on the border or the people that qualify but need a second round of examination?</p>

<p>please give your opinions ... for Harvard</p>

<p>Second look--as in, this app is worth another look, not just being eliminated immediately. (This is simply conjecture, not any known method of adcoms.)</p>

<p>If you're intending to be pre-med, have you looked into the great programs at other colleges that have undergrads offered almost-guaranteed admissions to their med schools (sometimes called BS/MD programs)?</p>

<p>Yes I was hoping for such a program</p>

<p>I was looking at Boston's program, but, I guess I was not confident enough to even try. I hear that the admission into such a program is extremely tough (yeah I know, but I applied to Harvard :))</p>

<p>I applied to the University of Pittsburgh, my brother goes there and said their 8 year program is amazing. I hope to get into that program.</p>

<p>There are many paths to medicine but upon second thought I feel I should have looked into more combined programs (no MCATS!)</p>

<p>Thanks again fauve</p>

<p>Another question on your previous post Fauve</p>

<p>You said my recs and essay could push me into the second look pile, well, if you can answer these questions
1) If they aren't stellar, does that mean no second consideration? :(
2) How many people of 27000+ don't get past the gates?
3) Are my other accomplishments (not the essay or recs) at a level where second consideration is improbable?</p>

<p>Sorry if I sound paranoid, but I know you can help...</p>

<p>You have solid extracurriculars and okay SAT scores (relative to most people they are great, but they are essentially what I had in HS...and it made a big difference). While I did make it into a BA/MD 6-yr program, I couldn't fit my way into the top-tier schools - my friends with 1550+ SATs (this was 4 years ago) were able to make the jump into the top 5-8 schools. While your GPA is not very high (and you addressed this in one of your essays), I'm not sure how big a factor it'll be - I really believe standardized test scores have a heavy weight for those top tier. </p>

<p>While everyone has a shot into Harvard, don't have high expectations. You definitely should be competitive for Cal-Berk, UMich, NW, etc. and perhaps Duke. But MIT/Harv/Stan will be a stretch for you unless there is something extremely noteworthy/unusual about you. </p>

<p>Based on your stats, you would've had a decent shot at BU's program.</p>

<p>I do wish I could give you more hope, akahmed, but there is just no way of knowing. Johnny H gave a good summary. But I do think your volunteer work, and an honest, and earnest interest in medicine will help your case. </p>

<p>It is actually good that you are paranoid, everyone who is applying who hasn't received a likely letter so far should feel paranoid. The statisics don't lie--7% is not a hopeful chance. Hope for a miracle, prepare for reality.</p>

<p>Thanks for the post</p>

<p>I tried to bring my passions through. I like two main things though, medicine and politics/foreign policy.</p>

<p>In fact, I am not disinclined towards some sort of MD/JD program
But thats a lot to handle,</p>

<p>I just kept doing what I like and my ECs just looked random, I explained it to my Interviewer though, maybe he can iron it out.</p>

<p>Bump please</p>

<p>Surely Harvard is not that hard to chance ... ok maybe it is</p>

<p>You are well qualified, but Harvard takes only 10 % of 27000 applicants, and you can be sure most of them are super qualified, too. <a href=""&gt;;/a>
That's why is impossible to chance you-the odds for any individual applicant are poor.</p>

<p>Yes I agree</p>

<p>All I am putting my hopes on is the fact that Harvard Admissions is a crapshoot. They may need a certain someone with certain skills or what not. I just hope I have what they are looking for.</p>

<p>How many of the 27000 do you think don't make it 'past the gate'?</p>

<p>OK, I'm sorry for this, but, bump please</p>

<p>How can you have 4 essays? I only have 2 (and little ones for example "describe an extracurricular activity", but that's not really an essay, just a paragraph.</p>