Chances for the Following Colleges??

Background: I am a rising senior and have applied for the following colleges: Virginia Tech, GMU, and Virginia Commonwealth. Here is what I have to offer: Ever since my sophomore year, I have maintained a 4.3 or above. (In freshman, I ended with a 3.841 but I digress) and this year, I managed to get a 4.4. Oh, another thing, I have taken mostly all honors and ramped up on AP’S since 10th. I have aced pretty much every course given. In terms of extra circulars, I am in track, member of a programming club and I do a lot of volunteering in church.
Here’s one issue though: Math. I took algebra 1 as a freshman, then geometry, then Honors Algebra 2 in 11th and now Honors pre calc for 12th grade. Will these colleges be bothered by the fact I won’t finish HS with calculus? please reply D:

I think you have wonderful chances. Another thing to your advantage is your growth since freshman year. As the workload got harder, you stepped it up, and that’ll leave a good impression for sure. Your extracurricular activities are also solid, just stick with them this upcoming year. I think you’ll have an excellent chance of getting into these schools!

As for your math courses. I wouldn’t think that would be an issue! Calculus is often an AP course, after all. You would just have to take it in college if it’s required to do so. I know plenty of people who finished their senior year with Pre-Calculus and got into wonderful schools. No worries!