Chances for the ivies or other top tier schools?

<p>I'm a high school junior. If you guys have any clue whether I am competitive for any of the ivies or similarly ranked colleges, then let me know.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.00 Unweighted</p>

<p>AP classes (only offered in junior and senior year at my school)
AP AB Calc
AP literature
AP Chemistry</p>

<p>PSAT scores: 214, 99%
CR: 75
Math: 71
Writing: 68</p>

<p>SAT IIs- I plan to take chemistry and literature SAT IIs in june
Math II- 730 (i'm not planning to major in math, so I hope this doesn't affect a lot)</p>

~Started buisness with 2 other students. at weddings, for law firms, and at school open houses. (10-11 and going to continue in 12th)
~ LD Debate (placed in state and national tournaments) (10- going to continue in 12th)
~ Yearbook editor (11- hopefully 12th)
~ Model UN (9-11)
~ Varsity fencing (9-10)
~ Field Hockey (9)
~ Bergen Youth Orchestra (regional orchestra), 1st violin (11)
~ Academy of Music string ensemble (9-11)
~ Archery (10-11)
~ summer camp for the performing arts (9-11)
~concertmaster at summer camp symphony orchestra
~ Internship at hospital
~ volunteered for 30 hours over summer at hospital</p>

<p>how imporant is a sport for colleges? </p>

<p>any comments are appreciated</p>

<p>i’m looking at schools like cornell, columbia, dartmouth, ect</p>