chances for these colleges

<p>not listing all of my achievements, but just the big ones i can think of so i can get a general view</p>

<p>3.9 unweighted GPA
4.7 weighted</p>

<p>34 act
2060 sat (retaking)
770 math ii
770 physics</p>

<p>12 years piano (with awards and honors)
12 years soccer- varsity/clubs (championships)</p>

<p>marching band (awards competitions)
symphonic band (awards)</p>

<p>science olympiad state champs</p>

<p>high school physics competition state champ</p>

<p>i have volunteer stuff, clubs, all that other stuff too (but who doesnt)</p>

<p>so please give me opinions on berkeley, UCLA, HYPS, john hopkins, or any other nice colleges that would be matches</p>

<p>bump, sorry if my title wasn't as descriptive.</p>

<p>For those schools, admissions usually depends mostly on ecs and essays. Your grades and your ACT and SAT II scores are competitive enough for all of those schools, so could you elaborate on your ECs?</p>

<p>you have the scores and the gpa, but since you didn’t give much info on extracurriculars, it is hard to tell.
if you are in state for ucla and berkeley, they are probably a low reach. hyps are reaches for everyone, and johns hopkins is probably a low reach as well.</p>