<p>i want to attend a really good med school as a senior, currently im going into junior year. i accelerated in math and science and am in senior classes as a junior. i have taken ap bio and precalc, my gpa is about a 3.6 or more depending on junior year. ive gotten a 790 on my sat 2 bio and a 2150 on my first sat attempt in 9th grade. yes i will retake the sat to hope for a higer grade.</p>
national winner of toshiba exploravision
founding member of a science club
research program for 3 years in my school
community service at my library for tech junkies</p>
<p>i want to apply to hopkins as a senior or maybe even the university of maryland</p>
<p>also is ap chem ap physics and ap calc bc murder to take in the same year?
i need to get a 4.0 this year to get a 3.8 general</p>
<p>BTW a 4.0 is an a + in my school not an a</p>
<p>Don’t know much about your chances for med school but I’m going to take AP Physics, AP Calc BC, AP World History, and AP English and I think I should be fine. Just stay on top of your work.</p>
<p>Uh…you go to med school after undergrad college. Or do you mean attending undergrad at a university that has a tier 1 med school?</p>
<p>if ungerdrad comes after highschool thats waht i meant . . . i guess it means premed right? so i want to hopefully get into a tier one premed if not than def into hopkins or so for med school</p>
<p>Yea undergrad is after high school. Well you can be a premed at any school…it doesnt really matter where you go for premed</p>
<p>You choose Hopkins because it has one of the top 3 premed advising committees in the nation. Affiliation with the 2nd best med school, best Public health, top 3 nursing, and best Hospital in the world only helps with finding research internships, volunteering, clinical shadowing with top notch researchers conducting Nobel prize winning work in physiology and medicine.</p>
<p>JHU is the largest recipient of Nation of Institute of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF) research grants…so pretty much everyone I know at Hopkins has a research internship in the summer. Even the slow kids like me that applied in mid June for summer internships were lucky to be interviewed and accepted for positions in the summer:) It’s critical to do at least one or two research projects in your lifetime as an undergraduate premed in college… You need it for your college resume. It will look fabulous on your med school apps as well.</p>
<p>Phead128, i was wondering what my chances r as a senior in high school and research will be a neccesity for hopkins i kno that . . . also do u go to hopkins? what do u think about the university of maryland ?</p>
<p>I’d say you have a pretty good chance at Hopkins. I mean, if you have a passion for medicine and you continue that line of work in college, you will be bound to be accepted into at least one medical school. Assuming you work your butt off in college and divert a significant portion of your attention to your GPA and MCAT. :-)</p>
<p>I say this because you and I have similar stats. I had better grades, took college courses at Harvard, but other than that, SAT scores and extracurricular are similar. 2200, 4.0 UW, president of every club you can imagine, started my own business. Threw a bomb ass essay, and there you go. Johns Hopkins
<p>Three years research program will totally pwn anything that I’ve ever done though. Admissions officers anywhere would look very highly upon research as an extracurricular activity. It shows you are starting off very early doing research, which is a great thing to have in my honest opinion. KEEP IT UP, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK DUDE!! you look set for success. lololol</p>
<p>lol ok i wanted to make sure cause i didnt want to leave any doubts before i apply . . . i also have another year to improve anyway so hopefully we can see</p>