Chances for UCB, UCLA, HYPS?

<p>Well, here goes nothing.</p>

<li>SAT I: 2320 (720 CR, 800 M, 800 W)</li>
<li>SAT II: Math II (800), Chem (750), will be taking Bio-M in December</li>
<li>GPA (out of 4.0): UW: 3.97, W: 4.77, not sure on UC Weighted, I think it's around 4.25</li>
<li>Rank: 1/~510</li>
<li><p>AP (place score in parenthesis): Calc AB (5), Calc BC (5), Comp Sci A (5), Japanese (5), US History (5), Stats* (5), Bio* (4), Phys: E&M (4), Phys: Mech (3)
(* = self-studied)</p></li>
<li><p>Senior Year Course Load: Japanese Advanced, European Literature, AP Psychology, AP Chemistry, US Gov. Honors/AP Economics, Ceramics
Not a very difficult course load, but it's the best I could do thanks to schedule conflicts.
Calculus III at community college</p></li>

<p>*Extracurriculars: Student Government (11th - Executive Council, 12th - Student Body Treasurer), Japanese National Honor Society (9th-12th, 11th/12th - Secretary), Engineering and Robotics Society (11th/12th - co-founder, VP)</p>

<p>*Volunteer/Community service: Jewish Home for the Elderly (only ~30 hours...), Tutoring (10th-12th, 4 hours/week)</p>

<p>*Summer Activities: ATDP at UC Berkeley, APEA at Carnegie Mellon (got two A's - 4.0)</p>

<p>*National AP Scholar
*AP Scholar w/ Distinction
*National Merit Commended
*School Winner for AMC12 (100.5), only AIME qualifier that year</p>

*Teacher Recommendations:
*Counselor Rec:
I'm not sure how to comment on these... My counselor and teachers know me very well, though.</p>

<li>State (if domestic applicant): California</li>
<li>School Type: Not very competitive large public (rank ~750 in the nation)</li>
<li>Ethnicity: Chinese</li>
<li>Gender: Male</li>
<li>Income Bracket: Middle</li>
<li>Hooks: First generation</li>

<p>My extracurrics are pretty weak, I think. And I really slipped up on those science APs.</p>

<p>So what are my chances for Berkeley, LA, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford?</p>

<p>Thanks guys. =D</p>

<p>These are some pretty nice qualifications you have here. Extracurriculars are a bit lacking, but otherwise, everything is outstanding.</p>

<p>UC Berkeley-match
HYPS-reach for everyone(reach at worst, slight reach at best)</p>

<p>Thanks. Yeah, I figured as much for HYPS. I’m not even sure why I asked. Didn’t want my list to be too empty, I suppose.</p>

<p>hmmm cream, i like cream cheese…</p>

<p>any who, by the looks of it, your extra curriculars are rather less than appetizing. </p>

<p>But all in all, id say you got yourself some matches.</p>

<p>hyps are crapshoots really so idk. but in at the others fosho</p>

<p>chance back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Easily in at UCB and UCLA. MAYBE in at one of HYPS.</p>