<p>Hi! So the muggle thing was just to get people to read this and help me out..sorry if it made you angry. Anyways, here are my stats:</p>
<p>ACT: 32 comp. (35 math, 30 eng, 32 read, 29 sci)
Rank: 13/223
GPA: 3.80 unweighted</p>
<p>Courses junior year:
Pre-Cal honors
Anatomy & Physiology honors
AP English lang./comp (3 on test)
APUSH (4 on test)
physics adv.</p>
<p>female, asian, average public school</p>
<p>Courses senior year:
AP Calc (err the easier one, we don't offer the harder one at our school)
AP Psych
AP Chem 2
AP Physics 2
AP English lit (UCONN course credit)</p>
<p>Job: Cashier at a retail store Nov 2008-present (Bob's casual clothing blah blah)
Community Service: 100 hours doing various activities
Band gr 10-12 (section leader 11-12, Region Festival 11, state honors band 12, Pep band)
JV/V Field Hockey gr 10-12 (All State scholar athlete 12)
JV/V Indoor Track gr 9-11
JV Lacrosse gr 9-10
V Tennis gr 11
Key Club gr 9-11 (secretary gr 11)
LTS Committee gr 11-12 (community service club)
Class Council member gr 11
Flute Choir Group gr 10,12</p>
<p>Essays: ehhh never been too good at writing, but I heard that essays can't hurt, they can only help.
Recommendations: I believe they are good</p>
<p>thanks for the help, if I had wizard powers I would bestow them on you, but sadly I am a muggle =(</p>