Chances for UCs and Privates

<p>Chances at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Stanford (Economics)
UCSD (Political Science), Cal Poly (Business Admin), Univ of Missouri (Journalism), Northwestern (Journalism)</p>

<p>Senior - SF Bay Area - Filipino-American</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 4.111 (Rank 3/436)
UC GPA: 4.181
UC ELC: Guaranteed at Davis
Unweighted GPA: 4.000</p>

<p>ACT: C-32, E-32, M-35, R-30, S-30, E/W-31 (Retaking in Dec)
SAT Subjects: Math II (Nov), US History (Dec)
AP: US History (4), English Language (4)</p>

<p>Senior Year: AP Calc AB, French 4 (AP not offered), AP Stats, AP US Gov't (Fall), AP Macroeconomics (Spring), Web Design (to fulfill school's vocational requirement), Film as Literature (approved UC English course)
*Took lots of school-based honors classes that are not officially "UC honors" which explains why weighted GPAs are so low.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (passionate about a few):
Total community service hours from all organizations so far: 120+</p>

<p>FBLA (9-12)
Treasurer and Partnership with Business Chair (9-11), Co-President (12)
Conducted a partnership with a local shopping mall (can fully explain if necessary)</p>

<p>Relay for Life (11-12)
Team Captain Coordinator, Data Chair, Registration Chair
Three committee roles definitely keep me busy! :)
Getting a rec from my Relay's American Cancer Society Manager</p>

<p>Library (9-10)
General sorting and filing of library media</p>

<p>Recycling Club (9-12)
Collecting and sorting recyclables from all rooms on campus</p>

<p>Students for Tolerance (10)
Helped write a grant to gain funding for two school assemblies featuring a Holocaust survivor and former gang member.</p>

<p>No journalism experience! :( School newspaper is designed by Yearbook class, often pushed aside and lacks quality when published.</p>

California FBLA State Champion in Business Math (2009) and Business Calculations (2010)
California FBLA 3rd Place Partnership with Business Project (2010)
California FBLA Bay Section (Regional): 1st Place in Business Math (2009) and Business Calculations (2010)
National FBLA 4th Place in Business Math (2009)
Rammy Award (school-based recognition, teacher nominated) (2010)</p>

<p>Counselor Rec: Budget cuts realigned me with a new counselor for my Senior year - trying to increase interaction with her.
Teacher Recs: Trig and AP Stats teacher and AP English Language teacher - both supportive of my foray into Journalism and mention it directly in their recs.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone! This is my first post but I have used this website heavily in the past few years for tips on ACTs, APs, and essays.</p>

<p>UC ELC: Guaranteed at Davis</p>

<p>You most likely are also guaranteed admission at UCSB, UCI, and UCR. Not all ELC qualifiers received all of the notifications from the participating schools. If any of these UC’s appeal to you, check them off when you complete the UC application and pay the $60 app fee per school. </p>

<p>Great uw GPA. Your UC GPA may hurt your chances at UCB and UCLA, but you still have shot, particularly since you are ELC. Fantastic class rank and awards, good ACT score, however your EC’s are really thin. </p>

<p>Here’s what I think:</p>

<p>Chances at UC Berkeley LOW REACH, UC Davis SAFETY (ELC), UCLA LOW REACH, Stanford (Economics) HIGH REACH (a reach for all applicants)
UCSD (Political Science) MATCH, Cal Poly (Business Admin) SAFETY, Univ of Missouri (Journalism) SAFETY?, Northwestern (Journalism) MID-REACH</p>

<p>Thanks for your input! I definitely agree that my UC GPA will hurt me - it doesn’t reflect all the school-based “enriched” courses I took in my Freshmen and Sophomore years. Our school also operates on a six course load schedule which minimizes opportunities.</p>

<p>Anyone else with chances or suggestions?</p>