<p>Chances at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Stanford (Economics)
UCSD (Political Science), Cal Poly (Business Admin), Univ of Missouri (Journalism), Northwestern (Journalism)</p>
<p>Senior - SF Bay Area - Filipino-American</p>
<p>Weighted GPA: 4.111 (Rank 3/436)
UC GPA: 4.181
UC ELC: Guaranteed at Davis
Unweighted GPA: 4.000</p>
<p>ACT: C-32, E-32, M-35, R-30, S-30, E/W-31 (Retaking in Dec)
SAT Subjects: Math II (Nov), US History (Dec)
AP: US History (4), English Language (4)</p>
<p>Senior Year: AP Calc AB, French 4 (AP not offered), AP Stats, AP US Gov't (Fall), AP Macroeconomics (Spring), Web Design (to fulfill school's vocational requirement), Film as Literature (approved UC English course)
*Took lots of school-based honors classes that are not officially "UC honors" which explains why weighted GPAs are so low.</p>
<p>Extracurriculars (passionate about a few):
Total community service hours from all organizations so far: 120+</p>
<p>FBLA (9-12)
Treasurer and Partnership with Business Chair (9-11), Co-President (12)
Conducted a partnership with a local shopping mall (can fully explain if necessary)</p>
<p>Relay for Life (11-12)
Team Captain Coordinator, Data Chair, Registration Chair
Three committee roles definitely keep me busy! :)
Getting a rec from my Relay's American Cancer Society Manager</p>
<p>Library (9-10)
General sorting and filing of library media</p>
<p>Recycling Club (9-12)
Collecting and sorting recyclables from all rooms on campus</p>
<p>Students for Tolerance (10)
Helped write a grant to gain funding for two school assemblies featuring a Holocaust survivor and former gang member.</p>
<p>No journalism experience! :( School newspaper is designed by Yearbook class, often pushed aside and lacks quality when published.</p>
California FBLA State Champion in Business Math (2009) and Business Calculations (2010)
California FBLA 3rd Place Partnership with Business Project (2010)
California FBLA Bay Section (Regional): 1st Place in Business Math (2009) and Business Calculations (2010)
National FBLA 4th Place in Business Math (2009)
Rammy Award (school-based recognition, teacher nominated) (2010)</p>
<p>Counselor Rec: Budget cuts realigned me with a new counselor for my Senior year - trying to increase interaction with her.
Teacher Recs: Trig and AP Stats teacher and AP English Language teacher - both supportive of my foray into Journalism and mention it directly in their recs.</p>
<p>Thank you everyone! This is my first post but I have used this website heavily in the past few years for tips on ACTs, APs, and essays.</p>