Chances for UNC

<p>I'm sorry to have another one of these posted but I really need some ideas about UNC. I went and visited and really liked it.</p>

<p>I am applying Early Action.</p>

<p>Out of State-- TEXAS
Large Urban High School (2300 students)
GPA weighted:4.75
GPA unweighted:4.0
Rank or % estimate:22/500</p>


<p>AP/IB taken/scores:
World History 5
English Language 5
AB Calc 2
US History 5</p>

<h2>Environmental Science 5</h2>

<p>Senior Year</p>

<p>AP English Lit
AP Human Geography
H Yearbook (Editor in Chief)
AP Macroeconomics
AP US Government
AP Comparative Government
AP Art History
Hon Anatomy</p>

Essays: Great- writing about my best friend (we're both diabetics)
Teacher Recs: Amazing
Counselor Rec: in a school of over 2000 my counselor doesn't know me very well but I have visited her a lot recently so she will be able to write a good rec.</p>

-Yearbook Editor in Chief and member (3 years)
-Varsity Tennis (9-12th)
-Student Council Member and Officer (9-12th)
-United High School Council Member and Elected Pres. (11-12th)
-National Honor Society Elected VP (12th)
-Hunting and Fishing Club Founding Member and Treasurer (11-12th)
-Amnesty International Chapter Member (12th)
-Spirit Crew Leader (12th)
-Link Crew Leader for Freshmen Orientation (10-11th)
-Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk to Cure Diabetes Team Leader
(8-12th) Over $50,000 raised</p>

<p>Service Hours-
Around 300</p>

-Vet Clinic (9-12th) 20 Hours a Week during school year
30-40 hrs a week during summer
-Founded/Owned Computer Business which produced DVD slideshows of student events</p>

-National Merit Commended Student
-Superintendent Scholar
-National Honor Society
-AP Scholar with Honor
-Academic Award for History
-Academic Sweatshirt
-Society for Academic Achievement
-Society for Academic Success
-Society for Academic Promise
-Radio Shack Scholar (8-11th)
-Code of Living Award – highest honor for 8 of 260 campers at Camp Sweeney Diabetic Camp, chosen by peers</p>

I would appreciate any help you can offer.</p>

<p>Any help guys?</p>

<p>I’m an in-state UNC applicant and I’d say that you have a pretty decent chance. But UNC often waitlist/defer qualified applicants…so be ready for surprises. Your standardized scores are good and your GPA is excellent. It seems like you are very involved in EC’s as well. Good luck!</p>

<p>Seems like an excellent chance. Strong scores and ECs. Are you really taking SEVEN courses this year, all APs and one honors? Impressive.</p>

<p>Yeah I had to in order to maintain my GPA and not drop in rank.
My HS is incredibly competitive and slacking during the senior year isn’t an option because usually the difference between the Valedictorian and #22 in the class is only .2 points. And difference between #22 and #70 is also only .2 points. So if you fall, you fall hard.</p>

<p>Plus I like Humanities classes. :)</p>

<p>wow… you have a 4.0 and a bunch of APs but are still only number 22…
i think you’re in for sure, but being in state would of course make it much easier.
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<p>Haha yeah. My school is ridiculously competitive. Because any member of our top 10%, around 50 people, could take their same GPA’s and be Valedictorian at any other school in the county. To be ranked 1-10 in the class you have to play the system and not take any extra electives, i.e. journalism, yearbook, sports. It sucks. Unfair, but we get over it.</p>