chances for USC, UCLA, Berkeley, NYU, UCSD, Northwestern?

<p>10-12gpa weighted = 4.23
unweighted = 3.75
ranked top25% of very competitive highschool
3APs junior year, 5APs senior year (8 total)
4honors courses sophmore, 2 for junior, 1 for senior (7 total)</p>

<p>SAT = 1400
760math2c (gonna retake for 800)
XXXwriting - still need to take, i expect 740+
680physics (going to retake for 740+)</p>

<p>awards: 2 golden state examination awards for algebra + geometry, various ordinary principle honor rolls, charter oak award</p>

<p>clubs: CSF (california scholarship federation)
ec: 50hours of habitat for humanity</p>

<p>extras: legacy for USC (sister went there)</p>

<p>To be honest you sound very average. I am assuming you are instate California (I don't how much of a chance you have at the public universities there). USC is probably a good match for you but far from a sure thing (it seems as though you have few extracurriculars and that could hurt you A LOT in almost all of these schools' admissions pools). Northwestern is a high reach for you and NYU is a reach as well. You might want to check out some less competitive schools like American in D.C. or something like that. What are you planning on majoring in?</p>