<p>GPA: Unweighted 3.74
Weighted 4.29 [I know weighted doesn't count]
Rank: 62/677 Unweighted (top 9%)
52/677 Weighted (top 7%)
ACT: Taken twice, 30 both times
AP: US History (5) Psychology (4) English Language (3)</p>
<p>My Junior year GPA was 4.0.
Since Freshman year, my grades have showed a strong up-trend.</p>
<p>SEnior Schedule: (VERY difficult, only thing missing is AP Calc, and I can't take it)
Scholastic Bowl (Varsity co-captain, 3 years)
Tennis (2 years)
Art club (1 year)
Student council (1 year)
Scouts (4 years)
I also have a part time job.</p>
<p>Understand that no one on CC knows what your chances are at any given school. The best anyone can do is say how your stats compare with those of the students who have historically been admitted go the school.</p>
<p>A question: Why would you want to pay OOS tuition to go to UW Madison when there’s a prefectly acceptable alternative right here in the Land of Lincoln?</p>
<p>The University of Illinois doesn’t have a Pharmacy graduate school in Urbana, it’s in Chicago. I wanted to do undergrad and graduate school at the same location.
Also, Madison is a lot closer to me (I live in upstate Illinois).</p>
<p>Very good but not quite a lock. Many Illinois kids prefer to go to UW over Illinois if they can swing it $$$ wise. Just more happening and not everybody is from Illinois or an International majoring in engineering.</p>
<p>Whatever. It is also a fact jack. Hardly a hijack when the topic is UW. I am having dinner tonight with an old freind from Skokie. He went to grad school with me at UW after undergrad at UI. He feels exactly the same and sent his daughter OOS to UW. She just graduated in biochem.</p>