Acceptance Chances!

<p>I just applied to UW Madison about 3 weeks ago and it's my dream school.
I have a 31 ACT (32 English 33 Math 32 Reading and 28 Science and 10 Writing) and a 3.66 Weighted (3.34 Unweighted) GPA but my junior year grades were alot higher than my freshman and sophomore year grades (4.2 Weighted). I also have 2 recommendation letters and have visited the campus. I live in Illinois and have lots of extra curriculars (choir, dance team, habitat for humanity, lifeguard, hostess @ restaurant, volunteer @ animal shelter, interact club, dance captain and a few others...) any idea on my acceptance chances?? also and idea of when they start sending out admissions desicions?! THANKS</p>

<p>Likely you will be accepted, you’ve done the application work so now relax and get on with your senior year of HS- keep up those grades. There is another thread dealing with the wait for news.</p>

<p>GPA is a bit low, but the trend seems good (improvement from frosh/sophomore year) and the ACT should make up for it. I’d give you pretty good odds. Just relax and wait now.</p>

<p>The OP stated higher grades junior year- UW likes to see improvement so the overall gpa isn’t as important as the junior year grades. Remember that unweighted grades are used by UW, although course rigor is looked at.</p>

<p>Can you guys chance me as well? I am an OOS applicant from Southern California</p>

<p>W GPA: 4.46

  • Took hardest AP classes my school has offered, total of 13 AP classes, 1 Independent Study
    Rank: 21/846</p>

<p>SAT: 1980 (waiting for new scores that come out tomorrow)</p>

<p>Lots of good school clubs, not that much community service (30 hrs)</p>