Chances for uw Madison

I am applying to Wisconsin Madison. I did very bad freshman and sophomore year. I earned a 3.2, and a 2.8, I had a lot of family issues during those years. However junior and senior I took college classes and ap’s and earned 3.9 unweighted. I am applying into their vet program and I have over 2,500 service hours as a vet assistant. I also worked at the la zoo through junior and senior year and I was the president of pre med club, and the science president of my school’s literary magazine. Madison is my dream school and I am freaking out.

I don’t want to spread false information or anything because I’m obviously not an admissions counselor, but in my opinion, you have a really good shot of getting in! Your GPAs for freshman year and sophomore year might not be great, but your grades improved a LOT (congrats on working so hard by the way!), and if you mentioned that you had family issues then in the additional info section then I don’t see how it would impact anything. Also, you’ve clearly shown interest in veterinary science and been involved in school activities related to it. Don’t stress, it’ll be fine!

thank you so much this made me feel a lot better I really appreciate your feed back.

Yes, the vast improvement speaks well for your ability to do the work. Relax and ignore college admissions once those applications are submitted. Do have back up schools.

I do have back up schools. All the statistics are just worrying.

What is your ACT/SAT score?

Repeat- RELAX. You will either get in or not, obsessing over it will only cause stress and prevent you from enjoying your life. Nothing you can change now, put it out of your mind and get back to doing well this year and having fun.